Centuries old desire.

Despite his efforts, Ethan found his self-healing ability inexplicably hindered by the overwhelming presence of the whispers. The pain in his injured leg intensified, and his wounds refused to close. It was as if the darkness itself had enveloped him, sapping away his vampiric vitality.


Frustration surged within Ethan as he realized that his usual methods of recovery were ineffective in the face of this mysterious force. He knew he had to find a way to break free from the whispers' hold and regain control of the situation.


'The cause of this fuckin limitation is lying in wait inside this dungeon; maybe it's all because of this fuckin whisper.' Ethan thought to himself with a frustrated grin on his face.


Then he struggled to walk despite the huge pressure coming from the whispers. He used his agility and strength to push through the pressure and venture deeper into the structure.