
"You are not superheroes?" 

A sinister voice escaped from the masked villain as he looked at the member of DeathRoads that hovered in the air close to him while Vile Mommy brutally massacred the members of the reapers hero society. 

Milky nodded his head as a response to the question asked. 

"We are villains, curious ones, we want to know who you are? You haven't been in this country before, you are new right." Milky asked with one of his eyes raised in a questioning manner. 

"Why do you care?" 

"Maybe not care, we are interested in your cause." Milky responded with a smile on his face. 

"My cause, do you think you can help me achieve my cause? Not even the greatest villain group in Toviet can help me, why do you think I'll believe a national-threat level villain group would?" The masked villain said with a grin. 

"Maybe because we're curious and rare." Milky said with a smile still on his face.