Perspective of the weak [2]

The battle was fierce, but Sasha and Ethan fought as a well-coordinated team. Ethan acted as a shield, deflecting incoming attacks while dishing out devastating blows. Sasha used her agility and magic to provide support, incapacitating goblins from a distance.

The goblins, though formidable in their own right, were no match for the sibling duo. One by one, the goblins fell to their combined strength and determination. The chamber echoed with the cries of defeated goblins, and soon, silence engulfed the room.

Breathing heavily, Sasha and Ethan glanced at each other, their bodies covered in goblin blood and sweat. They had triumphed once again, proving their mettle as formidable adventurers. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained confident in their abilities and eager to continue their journey.