The plea

Eliza had cleaned herself up just like Seth had asked of her. She had no extra clothes with her, so she had to result to her last option, put on Seth's clothes. She wore a plain white shirt and a short knicker but as expected, they were oversized for her. 

The moment Seth entered his room, he was shocked to see Eliza already dressed in clothing and the next moment, he formed a smile. He tried to tease her but she was laid on the bed, so he decided to hold back even when he was well assured that she was still awake.

Well, he didn't expect her to be free with him all of a sudden. For the first time, she would be sharing a room with a male without her husband's presence, if only she knew that Seth was no ordinary male as he never had any intention to take advantage of her.

Seth also cleaned himself up and changed into a not-so-short knicker that stopped on his kneel level but he didn't bother to put on a shirt.