An annoying pest!

"What the--!" he cried out, ducking and dodging as the tiny bird tried to peck at him with its beak. "Why you little--"

Damien tried to swat the bird away, but it was surprisingly quick and nimble, dodging his attempts to grab it. The crow was determined to defend itself and its pride, even if it was just a small, helpless creature.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Damien said, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I won't laugh at you anymore, I promise!"

The crow seemed to calm down at this, its wings slowly settling back against its sides as it eyed Damien warily. It let out a few caws, as if warning Damien to keep his distance, before hopping away and disappearing into the underbrush.

Damien shook his head in disbelief, still reeling from the unexpected attack. "Well, that was certainly... interesting," he muttered to himself, trying to catch his breath.