The wreckage!

He had forgotten something, something about the large pirate ship. Cannons!

Just as he thought that a loud and ancient voice bellowed through the chaotic air. "Fire!"

He was late and he saw with a foreboding of death as the large black projectiles spit from the pirate ship and crashed against the deck of his own ship. The force of the impact sent his body flying, his head colliding against the wooden planks with a resounding thud.

Damien groaned, his head throbbing from the impact.

The first round of cannon fired and hundreds of men and pirates alike lie dead or injured on the deck of the ship.

As he struggled to his feet, the world swayed violently around him. A sudden bout of nausea overtook him and he staggered backward, barely managing to hold on to the railing.

Half of the ship was gone, splintered and drowning. The captain was nowhere to be seen, nor were many others.