Arthur Is Needed Back Home.

"You are back?" Max shifted his attention toward the door when he heard it open all of a sudden and was excited to see Arthur back at the house.

He quickly got off the couch where he lay and was watching movies on his phone, and followed him to let him know what happened while he was gone.

"Yeah," Arthur answered, walking straight to the stairway leading upstairs to his room the moment he came back home.

"So what happened? Where did you go? I called your mom as you said I should and told her that you won't be home, and she wasn't happy about it, Arthur" Max announced, letting Arthur know how the conversation with his Mom over the phone went.

"I knew that was going to happen. Did she mention anything threatening if I fail to be home today" Arthur inquired, taking his phone from Max and moving straight to the call log as they were climbing the stairs together.