Ezra was surprised to hear that Margaret was already gone with the children. He was both surprised and happy it was so. This again confirmed to him that the Margaret he knew had much more to her that he was yet to know of.
'At least I can confirm that they are safe.' After all, small Lee had assured him that.
Now, for the next problem. Everyone who knew Ezra was going to suffer now, and that included small Lee. The major problem was that small Lee could not escape in time, so he was stuck and was already under surveillance.
To ensure small Lee's safety, Ezra came up with a good plan. It was very simple. It was well known that such gangs were merciless and brutal with their methods. Earth Scale Gang in particular maintained power by offering their enemies the worst punishments they could get their hands on. Of course, this wasn't the only reason, but it sure contributed to why nobody wanted to have a wrong one with them.