The Witches’ Daughter and the Fairies

Windy's P.O.V.

I sighed, feeling a mix of happiness and longing. "I'm glad I got to see Mommy, but I hope the fairies come soon. I don't like being alone." The dream world could be lonely at times.

Suddenly, tiny lights appeared around me, shimmering in different colors - blue, red, yellow, green, and purple. "So pretty," I gasped, my eyes widening with wonder.

"Don't be sad," the blue fairy said, her voice gentle and comforting.

"Yeah, let's play!" added the yellow fairy, her voice full of excitement.

"I'm not sad... sniff... Are you fairies?" I asked, wiping away a stray tear.

"You betcha," the red fairy replied cheerfully, her wings fluttering with joy.

"Let's play tag, so we can run in the wind," suggested the green fairy, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"Okay, but let's make it timed-freeze tag," the mischievous purple fairy chimed in.

"Haha, let's play! Last one to say 'not it' loses... Not it!" I exclaimed, eager to join in the game.

"No... Not it!" all the fairies said at once, their voices overlapping in a chorus.

"Blue, you were the last to say 'not it,' so you're it first," declared the red fairy.

"Very well, I'll give everyone until the count of 10 to disperse... 1, 2, 3..." Blue fairy started counting, and we all scattered, giggling with anticipation.

We played timed-freeze tag for a while, the fairies and I chasing each other through the dream world. It was exhilarating, the wind rustling through my hair as I darted around, trying to avoid being tagged. The fairies were fast, but I managed to evade their touch a few times.

As we took a break from the game, I turned to the fairies with a hopeful expression. "Can you teach me magic?"

"I believe you're still too young. Shouldn't you wait until your physical body manifests?" the light fairy cautioned, her voice gentle and wise.

"But I want to help Mommy. If I can get stronger here, then she will be stronger out there," I explained, my determination shining through.

"Yellow, the kid's heart is in the right place. Let's see if she can at least manifest mana into magic yet. If she does, we will teach her a basic spell for each attribute to practice every day until she reaches the physical realm. It will help your 'beloved' Witch Queen," the fire fairy suggested, her mischievous grin never leaving her face.

"Quiet before I have Aqua put your fire out," scolded the light fairy. "Very well, young Windy, please close your eyes and try imagining a rainbow of light in the shape of a ball inside your stomach. Let me know once you see it, and I'll tell you the next step."

"Yes, Ma'am. I see it... I see the rainbow. It's so pretty," I said, closing my eyes and picturing the vibrant colors in my mind.

"Now, focus on the yellow light in that rainbow until it's the only color you can see," instructed the light fairy, guiding me through the process.

"I see it! I see a yellow ball!" I exclaimed, excitement bubbling within me.

"Very good. Imagine that yellow ball going from your stomach to the palm of your hand. Breathe from your stomach, and when you breathe out, stop the light at your chest. Try that and let me know when you can imagine the ball of light has moved," the light fairy explained patiently.

"Okay." I closed my eyes and concentrated, following the instructions. After what felt like a long time, I opened my eyes and said, "I did it! That was hard."

"Great job, Windy! You completed that task really quickly. You have your mother's talent for magic, not just from being connected to her mana pool," the light fairy praised, her voice filled with pride.

"Yay! What should I do next?" I asked excitedly, eager to continue my magical journey.

"Stretch out your left arm and imagine a ball of light traveling across your arm and into your palm. When it reaches your hand, say these words: 'Oh divine light, guide me through the darkness. Illumination.' Once you've got the hang of it, you can just say 'illumination' as a shortcut," the light fairy instructed, and I listened intently.

"Got it, I'll give it a try now," I said, determination filling my voice. I closed my eyes and visualized a powerful light illuminating the darkness around me. "Oh divine light, guide me through the darkness. Illumination!" I chanted, feeling a surge of energy within me.

In that instant, a ball of light materialized above my head, casting a brilliant glow that illuminated the surrounding area. I gasped in wonder, my heart filled with joy and pride. "I did it! That was amazing!"

"Great job, Windy! You have a real talent for this," praised the Light Fairy. "Now, let's have the other fairies teach you a basic spell each for their element, and I'll teach you one more for healing. That'll be all until you make it to the physical world, deal?"

"Deal! Thank you so much, Teacher!" I replied gratefully, eager to learn more and continue honing my magical abilities.

And so, the fairies took turns teaching me a basic spell for each element - Earth wall, storage, illumination, flame arrow, wind blade, and Water wall, which could even be used for drinking water. Their guidance and encouragement filled me with excitement and a sense of purpose.

As the fairies prepared to leave, the Light Fairy promised to return and teach me healing magic next time. "Thanks, Teacher! I can't wait to show Mommy what I've learned!" I said, my voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"That's great, Windy. I hope you'll use your magic to help others, just like your mother," said the Light Fairy with a warm smile. "Now, we must be going. I don't want to spoil the surprise your mother has for you tonight!"

I waved goodbye to the fairies, my heart overflowing with gratitude and anticipation. I couldn't wait to show Mommy the incredible things I had learned.