The Witch Queen’s Promise (Part 2)

"Sadly, we catalysts cannot become our Queen's brides because we're not made of actual flesh. We're made of mana and magic, so we cannot perform the witch queen contract ourselves. However, in your previous lives, our Queen and masters promised that we could become our Queen's concubines," Freya explained.

"Whaaat?" Mother Klare and my brides exclaimed in shock.

Freya continued to explain, "We catalysts hold a deep affection and love for our queen. We were created by our masters' emotions resonating with their mana for her, so in turn, we fell in love with her as well. Plus, our Queen treats us as people as well, even though we are demi-humans made up of mana and magic."

As Freya revealed the depth of her love and dedication to me, my brides May, Sasha, and Aria were left in awe. Though they had always known I was special, they never fully comprehended the extent of my impact on those around me.