A New Catalyst’s Awakening

"Let's go make our report to the headmistress and see if the other brides found something to help us," I said to Sasha, who nodded in agreement.

"Agreed, we may have repelled the False Queen for now, but we should remain vigilant for future attacks," Sasha replied.

"Absolutely, but we also need to make time for each other. As I promised, after we finish our report and check in with May and the rest of our family, we will have our date," I stated, holding Sasha's hand.

Sasha smiled at my words, and I felt a warm sense of comfort in my chest. "That sounds lovely, Emily. I'm looking forward to it."

Together, we made our way to the headmistress's office and knocked on the door. We heard a commotion coming from inside the room.