A Secret Revealed and Ruflet Village (Part 1)

In the aftermath of our reconciliation, Windy and I made our way out of the mystical forest, our hearts lighter and our bond stronger than ever before. However, before we ventured into Ruflet village, we decided to take some time to hone our magical skills and train together. 

"Mommy, look! I can make a storage space just like you!" Windy exclaimed excitedly, her eyes sparkling with newfound confidence. 

I beamed with pride, my heart swelling with joy at her progress. "Great job, sweetheart! You've learned how to create daily necessity spells and basic healing spells. Now, it's time to move on to attack and defense spells. Why don't you take a break for now, and I'll discuss with Klare, May, and Aria what your next steps should be?" 

Windy nodded eagerly and ran off to explore the surroundings, her excitement palpable. As she moved away, I turned to Klare, my mother, who had been observing our interaction with a knowing smile.