To the Hextar Home World

I woke up hugged on every corner of my body except my face. I moaned a little, stretched, and felt my cock hard in my latex, straining against the latex, hugging me. I looked at the time; it had been about six hours, and I felt a little sleepy. I could get back to sleep, but I wanted to get back to Galaxy Online. I groaned and moaned a little and tossed in bed though before I got up.

I saw the chat on my computer blowing up about my morning wood and how all the leavers would be pissed that they missed the scene. I saw a couple shouting the emoticons saying they came from watching me sleep, which was gross if that was what you got off to. I didn't care, though, as it was how I paid the bills. It made a good amount of money today, and I saw that they had paid a lot of donations to have the camera changed to one that happened to be on my crotch. However, that wasn't the favorite today in my latex.

My breasts took the number one spot on the donation list, and I smiled a sleepy smile as I sat down. "Sleeping is over, Boys," I told them, "Tell them in chat later that they should stick around if they wanted to watch me get up for a chance at anything. I have some errands to do today, so I will post the vote for tonight later." With that, I shut off the stream, and I groaned as my cock was hard as a rock with morning wood.

When I wore Latex, I usually did, and it would be a lie to say I didn't have a bit of a rubber fetish. My first girlfriend got me to try on latex, and I was a broken woman after that. I loved it so much when I had intercourse and slept. When it came to streaming my sleep, though, I couldn't only wear latex, though, so I loved it when it got voted in.

I yawned again and got out of my chair and headed to the kitchen, and pulled out some food to cook before grunting. I needed to calm down, and I was sweaty as hell under the latex. I needed to let my body breathe, so I headed to my bedroom and noticed I had forgotten to turn off my cameras. I quickly shut everything down with my chat, probably groaning about that as well. I got up and slowly stripped myself of the latex bodysuit I wore, and a stink of sweat wafted into the room.

Ignoring the smell, I put my outfit out to clean, which I would do right after a shower and maybe a little jerk-off session in the shower. I took my time in the shower and cleaned myself off very thoroughly after being in latex for the night, and then I got to work on quickly cleaning my latex outfit before hanging it to dry properly. I quickly started my breakfast that I threw into the oven before running to jump on my elliptical and starting to work out a little. I knew I shouldn't just after a shower, but I wanted to be in the pod longer today than yesterday. I knew twenty-four hours had passed, and I wondered what Ura thought of that. I wished that I could go to sleep in the pod, but I felt even more exhausted after being in the pod. Maybe that was one of the reasons they expected the tutorial to be harder. Life makes it hard when it is the world sped up so much.

I would have to consider that, so I pressed myself to go hard on myself. Soon the Oven called me, and I got off my legs, feeling a little wobbly from pressing myself a little. I moved, pulled out my food, and ate in the silence of the morning, realizing I had forgotten to turn on some music.

I was so preoccupied with Galaxy Online that I didn't even notice. I didn't care at this point, though, and I quickly finished up my food before rinsing my plate, putting everything in the dishwasher, and turning it on. I quickly jumped back onto the elliptical and pushed myself for twenty minutes before jumping off, walking into the shower, rinsing myself off, putting my clothes in the washing machine, and pulling out a t-shirt and light pants to lie down in the pod.

Opening the pod and feeling it close, I was excited, and soon I felt my eyes close.

My eyes opened, and I felt heavy breath on me as I groaned, getting up. Ura's blue skin came into view, and she groaned as I got up. I saw her sleeping and noticed twenty-six hours had passed in in-game time. I winced but got out of bed with Ura sleeping behind me. My stomach growled, and I realized that I needed to eat. I got into the kitchen and began cooking, which must have woken Ura because she came down with sleepy eyes.

"I thought I slept a lot," Ura said, "You sleep dead to the universe." Ura yawned and looked at me, "I may have ridden you a little while you were asleep. I hope you don't mind."

I looked at her my expression didn't change, and I shook my head, "I don't mind, but I might wake you up if I have some morning problems." I replied.

Ura's smile told me that she would enjoy that, and I took some plates out, "What happened while I was asleep," I asked.

"Nothing much," Ura said, "I got some extra parts for you, and they are in the workshop. I also got a shipment to Hextar's homeworld. It isn't much, but it will pay for the fuel of the trip. Already loaded, and we have plenty of time to deliver. I also already put us into the slipstream. Sorry, but the shipment timing is a little tight if we stayed."

I looked at her, surprised for a moment, then shrugged. "Makes sense," I told her, "I think I will look into some bounties while I am there. Tell me who you're talking to since I want to be there when we transfer the goods. If I am going to be our muscle, I will need to be there when it happens."

Ura nodded, "Do you sleep like that every time?" Ura asked.

"No, but I have been having some sleeping issues lately. I am sure it will no longer be an issue after this whole contract thing blows over." I replied.

Ura looked at me strangely and nodded. "Okay," She replied after a moment while she nodded. "The Hextars world should only be half a day away, and so we should be getting there in about an hour or so. Our engine kills about a day and a half of the time in slip space. So," She shrugged, "You don't have to wait that long to start looking into potential bounties."

"Okay," I replied, handed her some food, and noticed a notification.


New trait unlocked: Home cook.

You may not be a chef of any type, but you can cook a good meal.

I passed her the food, and we sat down, pulling out a little bench and table that I expressed slight surprise at. Honestly, this all felt like it was living in a small cramped area. It wasn't the worst, but I would love a larger ship in the future.

"Don't you have to watch where you're going in slipstream or something?" I asked ignorantly, and Ura smiled wryly.

"One of the first questions I asked with a simple answer." Ura said, "In order to fight in the slipstream, the other ship must enter our frequency of slipstream. Each time that will be different, and the only way to match is when we are entering Slipstream to enter slipstream with the opposing frequency manually. That means the only time I have to be at the helm is when we are entering and exiting, which is great for solo flyers but not perfect either. Our Sensors behind us are pretty vulnerable on this ship. I didn't have the credit or want to buy a military suite in order to match others' frequency. Again the best defense this ship has is our speed."

I nodded, and Ura Continued, "The biggest issue, though, is that the Military lately has started to develop a system to detect passing slipstreams in deep space. Still, I can only see them using that in wartime to ambush enemy fleets. Otherwise, it is useless." Ura finished.

"So few ships could even catch us in slipstream even if they wanted to follow?" I asked, and Ura nodded.

"Good, Then I am going to finish and tinker a bit. I want to see what I can do with some traps." I told Ura, and she nodded.

"We shouldn't be too far from the Hextar homeworld, so I will let you know when," Ura replied.

Moments later, I finished eating and put it in the dishwasher that Ura showed me. Leaving, I quickly got to the workshop only to remember my gear in the duffel bag and headed back, making Ura chuckle as I headed up to the bedrooms. I got my stuff and jumped down while Ura headed to the bridge.

I got to my workshop and began to sort and clean things around the workshop. Then I started to organize it in a way for now so that I find everything I needed. It took a long time, and I was working on it to learn what tools were needed more than others.

The biggest find was a datapad that went through a tutorial on all the equipment. Some of the tools were some I had worked with in precision machining in the past, just in handheld form. Many, though, I could only say were Sci-fi tools, and I went over them slowly under the description and the use.

I got lost in my studies inside the workshop when suddenly Ura spoke over the intercom. "Leaving Slipstream in thirty seconds. Take a break till we come out, Sleepy Wonder." She announced, and so I put my things down.

Only moments passed, and I felt my stomach roll a little with nausea but not that much as it felt like something had changed, but I couldn't tell what. It was like I didn't realize before the universe was different, and now everything had righted itself. My stomach grumbled against it, though, and I bit back the urge to puke.

"We are about two hours away from the Hextar's homeworld and en route," Ura said over the intercom.

I nodded to myself and got back to reading the datapad. So much to learn and so little time to learn it when Ura came to the doorway. She then pointed to the object in her hand that she used to mark the bugs the soldiers put in, and I got up.

We went around, and it seemed that they put a lot of bugs on us. Over fifty in total, and for two hours, we cleared them off the ship. When we were done, we put them in the cargo bay together and walked to the other side of the ship.

"Thank god those are gone," Ura said, "I will dump them in some dumpster. I have a container that should deal with them from transmitting soon, and they shouldn't suspect much while we are in the Hextar homeworld. Don't want them following us after this planet. I will also scan the outside for trackers to send over the galactic net."

"Sounds good to me," I told her with a slight smile, "Not much time till landing?" I asked, and Ura blushed.

Without realizing it, Ura got a little closer to me, and she took a step back and nodded. "Sorry, I need to go ask for permission to land," Ura said and ran off, and I hid a chuckle.

Ura was hiding that she was extremely interested in me, it seemed. I hadn't seen it much in real life, but the subtle signs or not-so-subtle signs were there. She technically raped me while I was logged off too. Although I was fine with that personally, not everyone would be. As a streamer that was an exhibitionist while sleeping, I could very much understand the fetish. I would be lying if I hadn't had the odd dark fantasy from time to time.

Instead, I went back to my workshop and continued to study. It seemed some of my tools had more functions than I knew, and I realized why I got the stubborn trait when I made the shotgun. There was a lot that I brute forced into place, and I could have done more with my tools. There were even ways to change my parts with these tools microscopically, and they were something needed for tools and gun-making in general. Now it wasn't just learning what tools could do, though. I needed to learn how best to use those tools, and my tail wagged behind me as I contemplated.

I was suddenly torn in thought as well on what I should learn more about first. Using my tail or the tools in front of me. At this point, though, the tools were easier to learn, so I continued reading while taking short breaks to look over and replicate what the book said they could do.

Losing myself to it when Ura came over the intercom again, saying we had landed, almost made me jump. I got up, went to my room, and grabbed my arsenal. My sniper snuggly felt good on me, and my fingers were plated with a bullet. I quickly joined Ura at the front, and she smiled as she opened up the ship.

The ramp fell down, and the heat of the outside hit me. It wasn't as hot as the desert, but the rudeness after a perfectly controlled climate versus the heat was staggering. We both stepped out with business on our minds, and I couldn't help thinking about if I should do a bounty on this world.