Nano Fiber

Making it back to the ship, I quickly saw that they were already removing the front of the ship. It looked like they were starting to pull things out, and Emily was shouting at some deckhands already. It seemed that Emily was already starting to take this ship as her baby as she jumped in and started working on the ship herself. 

I smiled and entered to find a frowning Ura as she leaned back and sighed on the bridge. "Did you get a timing?" I asked with a huge backpack still on my back.

"Insurance agent will be here in a week. We will learn after their inspection if we have to pay out of pocket. I should have taken the ship in right away," Ura finished, her words sounding like a curse.

It seemed that even insurance in this world was something you had to be worried about. That was good to know if you were a large corporation in this world. Having proper insurance and making sure people were following it would be important. This, I also knew, would come with a great amount of crying from guild leaders about being too realistic. I could already imagine a Corporation member experimenting with a way that breaks the contract of insurance that would lose them millions of credits. 

It would be interesting to see how they would deal with that in the future. It would also give PvP a new angle you could attack in the future. Maybe force someone who wants to win a fight needing to attack in a way that might break Insurance. I didn't know at this point, so there wasn't much to think about. "Well, Then I have a couple of weeks out in the Forest. Want to help me pick out some clothing?" I asked her, "I would also love to dress you up before I leave," I saw a now Blushing Ura now looking at me.

"I would love to; I can get out of here for a couple of hours," Ura said with that slightly purple blush. "When are you planning on going into the forest?" Ura asked.

"After a long sleep," I said, meaning tomorrow in real life. I would need to sleep in real life for a time before I could log back on. I would enjoy that couple if they were coming over, then I would log on and then do my forest dive. I might even have to take some time off sleep streaming for a night or two. 

Ura nodded and smiled, "Well, want to go now?" Ura asked, then looked at the bag on my back, "Do you want to put that down first?" She asked.

I nodded, dropped the bag off in my workshop, took the sniper and assault rifle off the bag, and put them on my back. I loaded up my weapons and smiled as the lighter weight was much easier to work with. I returned to the bridge and picked up Ura before walking out of the spaceship with her. It took a small amount of time for us to make it to an AI taxi for us.

"To the Clothing and Armor shopping mall," Ura said with a slight blush.

I thought this blush was a little questionable, but I leaned back and smiled at Ura. "So, a couple of weeks without me," I said with a small smile, "Would you like me to make a mold of my tool downstairs?" I asked with a lecherous smile.

Ura blushed a deep purple that made me smile as I could tell that she was a little on the fence about this proposal. "Maybe absence would make the heart grow fonder," I told her and leaned back as she blushed hard while the car drove deeper into the city than I expected. 

"I would like one," Ura said quietly with a deep blush.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked with a sadistic smile.

"I would like a mold for my own use while you are gone," Ura replied more loudly, and I grinned.

"Perfect, I will see what is available," I finished teasing her, still smiling. 

Ura nodded, the ride went a little quiet, and I sighed, "I got a lot of supplies, but being on a backward planet means I still don't know how good of a deal I got." I confessed suddenly, "I hope you will take the receipt at some point and help me determine that at some point."

Ura looked at me and nodded, "Okay, We are running on a good balance of Federation credits right now, but we might be in the negative after this Drydock experience. It was my failure thinking those morons were not so," Ura paused, "Well, Moronic. Micro jumping with a Slipstream drive," Ura shook her head, "Sorry it is stupid, but they were obviously uneducated and faked their credentials."

I couldn't help but nod and agree with her. In fact, I would go a step further and believe they were out to defraud her from the get-go. Just as I was about to start asking about that, the Taxi stopped, and we were in front of a large skyscraper with people constantly moving in and out. Packages were being sent out and coming in, and it was massive. I couldn't help but be awed by the logistical challenge that was being overcome with drones, flying trucks, and various other things I didn't know about yet. Things were moving fast, and so were the people.

"This is a fashion Mall. The only thing sold here besides food and drinks is clothing or armor for your body." Ura grinned, "I haven't been in one since the military!" Ura announced and started to get out of the car, "Come on, Let us Shop!" Ura announced with a large smile, excited for what would come.

I followed her out of the AI Taxi, and we entered what could only be called a massive mall. Elevators were moving up and down, and it seemed people were flying around, too, while others were on their feet. The Center of the building seemed to be hollow, with the exception of four pillars that Elevators took people up and down in. In the center, a large purple and blue tree was thicker than ten people holding hands and towered up several floors. It swayed in the wind slightly and looked beautiful. 

Blue Grass surrounded that tree, and people were eating and laughing on the grass and at tables around the tree. It looked harmonic with nature despite the lack of nature around that tree. It was a contrast that was mesmerizing at first, and Ura smiled. "Let us go to the Bounty Hunters Fashion Emporium. They sound like they are only designers, but everything there is top-notch. They only carry the best of the Armor and garb used to fight and enter the forest. You have been wearing Desert leathers and not good ones for the last couple of weeks. Let us get you something new!" I could hear and see her excitement at this, and I followed her into the mall.

We took an elevator up to the top floor, which was startling as it moved so fast. It took seconds for us to step into the small elevator near the entrance. Moments later, and barely more than a breath later, we were on the top floor, stepping out. Looking toward the center, I realized that the hollow center that seemed to go all the way up was untrue, as there seemed to be no end to the store we were in. It was massive, and there was armor of various thicknesses and fashionable clothing on mannequins all around.

"I like how they are not so utilitarian in their search aisles. Not everything I want is something I am going to search for," Ura said, looking around at the rows and Racks of clothing around. "The old style of discovering something you might never have thought you would like is precious, and the search function destroys that," Ura continued as she started to look around. "Like, this light green Tank top would look fantastic on you. A bit light for the forest, though," Ura said with a frown, and I realized something terrible.

This wasn't about to be a short experience. Ura was a window shopper and opinionated about clothing. I liked the search function and finding and looking through exactly what I wanted. Ura was going to drag me around the store. I didn't mind that totally as I would learn a bit about her, but I thought it was also a bit of a time waster.

That didn't mean I hated it as I watched the juicy woman start looking around, and she went through the racks of clothing. Her energy towards this was great, and I felt myself getting excited for the trip as well. Ura went from clothing rack to clothing rack, and I decided, as she got a bunch of things for me to wear, to see if I found anything for her to wear.

Ura was well endowed both on top, and her booty was something you needed a picture of to understand how perfect it was. I started looking through things before realizing this was a mercenary place. I could make her look like a bounty hunter, but they were not things that really tended to be in her style, and I realized I would be the one showing off my body to her in this store.

"Sleepy Wonder!" Ura exclaimed with a walking cart that she found somewhere full of clothing. "Let us get a changing room! I want to see you in these. I want to make sure that you have something to blend into the forest environment around here," Ura said, her voice only slightly tinged with worry.

I couldn't help but smile appreciatively at that, and soon I was in a changing room. Instead of my usual leathers and harness, I was in cloth, cotton nanofiber, and a bunch of materials I did not know the name of. There seemed to be materials here that could even slowly regrow back into their current form if you got a hole in them. It was fascinating, but the material that I seemed to fall in love with was Nanofiber. It was a tough fiber that was resistant to stabs and kinetic forces, although that was secondary to the feel on my skin.

It was super soft on my skin to me and made me want every piece of my clothing in this game to be made out of it. It was like there was no interweave, and it made me remember how sensitive Rish'an Locktor's fingers were. I could feel a problem with guns when one was there, even if it was a microfracture. That meant that everything that wasn't perfectly smooth to a point was something that slightly bothered me. It was the reason I liked the leather I was wearing because it was leather and had only the seams to keep the clothing together.

Nanofiber didn't even have those problems, as it was like it was always like the way it was. There was no cut in it; there were no seams in the clothing and needlework done in it. It felt perfect on my skin. I walked out in a Blue and purple speckled tank top and pants in a camo color that was supposed to blend with the fauna here on this planet, and I smiled with a bright smile. Ura looked at me with a smile seeing me. 

"I love the feel of Nano Fiber," I told Ura, surprising her a little, "I want a couple more things in this Material!" I announced, and Ura smiled.

"Shopping time!" Ura exclaimed like a schoolgirl and overly excited. 

Soon we were grabbing new holsters and clothing for me to wear that was more durable in Nanofiber. I did not know how much it would cost, but I loved this material. Soon I was wearing my guns in different holsters, and I got lost in looking good in a variety of different outfits as we worked together to try new things on me.

I barely even registered one time when Ura joined me, and we were making out a bit before I changed. Our hands roamed, but I sent her out before we went farther. I didn't know if I should be worried, but I was genuinely enjoying myself as if I was with a good girlfriend. I did not want to think about that, though, as I tried on a black short-sleeve with some cleavage showing and utility pants perfect for carrying extra ammo. 

There were more things to try on, and my feelings for Ura only seemed to be getting more complicated.

I refused to address them.