Picking up the Pieces

Fuck, it hurt.

I groaned, and I realized I passed out. Stars in the sky shined down on me, and I heard groans as I started to get back to myself. Flame and pain hurt on the left side of my body. I slowly got on my side, pushed myself up, and looked around. Flashlights lit the ground partially, and I was in pain. Some moans of pain came from around me, and I slowly got myself up on my good arm. I quickly grabbed some shells in my left hand, which stung like a bitch whenever I moved. 

"URGH," I grunted as I reloaded the sawed-off shotgun, and I continued to pick myself up and look around. The warzone that I fought in was filled with the smell of blood and propellant. There was another terrible smell, and as I got up on my feet and put my shotgun back. I could quickly pull it again if need be, but I needed vision first, and I made my way over to the initial flashlight I remembered.

I took only a couple of steps before I stepped on something round, and I looked down to see a dismembered limb. I almost reached from looking at it, and I coughed. Holy shit, A little too fucking realistic, Gaben Corporation. This was a little too much gore, and if a child ran into this?!

That thought in my head, and I couldn't help but chuckle as I realized it was a mature game. This allowed anything and everything, and I was enjoying this overly realistic setting until a moment ago. But holy shit, this battle went bad for me. I barely survived and stepping over a severed hand and limb was something that I could say I was happy about.

I got over to the dead body, picked up the flashlight, and sighed. This fight was a brutal one, and as I turned around and looked over what had transpired, I almost lost my lunch. The ground was littered with bodies. Four people had died from those grenades that I had planted beforehand. A staggering amount more than I thought it would. I was hoping for two, maybe three, but I expected one. But now, with three of them missing limbs and the fourth with a shrapnel wound through the head looking at me without an eye, I shuddered.

God, the damage, and I looked around, and with the two up in the cave, that was thirteen. That was all the bodies that I counted during the day while watching them, with the exception of those bringing the chained people. I grunted, moved around, and realized I had a huge mess to clean up. I surveyed the people littering the ground, and some I was sure were dead, like the body beside me. The bullet through the brain meant that I was sure. But I found my handgun in the grass, and I moved to pick it up. I didn't put it back in the harness correctly and dropped it when I stood. I reached down, picked it up, and walked over to a couple of the more questionable bodies, and I put a round in the head just in case.

I walked to each body shot once and ensured they were all dead. One was gasping with organs and parts of their body flooding out, and putting a bullet in their head was a mercy. The night turned quiet with the last bullet, and I sighed. This was too close of a battle, but I was the winner once again with a new battle wound to go with it. This was a lot harder of a game than I thought. The realism was off the scale, and it was an enjoyable escapade.

I took a deep breath, and it hurt as I knew the bullet was inside me. I was hit at least once, maybe even twice. I was surprised at how fast the battle went, and I thought back to the cave. There were two things now. I needed helpers, and I had that slut back in the cave collared. Her friend was tied up and would remain so. I would make her come and help clean up her friends and clean this up in the few hours we could. I also needed to start cleaning up and bandaging this wound.

With my mind throbbing with the pain, I got a plan. I wanted to check what was inside that cave, but for now, I have other things to be doing. Who knew what else could be attracted by the sound of gunfire? Then, there would be the smell of bodies not long later.

I needed to move, and I raised the flashlight with my one good hand and started to walk to the overlook. It only took a minute to walk back, and I got inside the cave and the man who was still alive was yelling something into the gag while the girl watched, unable to act toward the man. She looked at him with an expression I couldn't read as I approached the corner. Then she saw me, and her face turned to me, and shook her head.

"You, Emma, I have a battlefield to clean up. I killed all your associates; you are the only survivors," I told them, my voice cold, and both looked at me shocked. The man was wide-eyed, looking at me. I turned to him, and I looked at him, "If you want to live, then you better shut the fuck up and sit there tied up. Emma, follow me," I ordered, pointing at the guns, "Bring those with you. No finger touching any of the triggers," I ordered, and she nodded.

I could see her frightenedly following the orders, picking up what I had left behind. She followed me with her arms full, and I watched her a little as I stumbled forward. Emma caught up quickly, and I noticed that she did have a juicy ass. I could tell how others would be tempted. I ignored that for now and took the flashlight to look at the wound finally and noticed that I had been shot once around my heart. Obviously, it did not hit the heart, but that did not mean it wasn't close to an instant kill. Armor after this hunt was going to be something that I needed. I don't care if it is fucking light, I NEEDED it.

I was learning more and more on this trip, and I should have taken Ura up on the offer of armor. Now, I realized more than ever how much I needed it. This was bad as I was really close to dying this time. I moved with Emma to the side of me a little and brought her to the battlefield, where I turned to her to see her with her mouth wide open.

"You may speak," I said, wondering what she thought.

"How Did they all die like this? They were all heartless bastards, but they seemed ready to battle, unlike most other groups I met," Emma said, her body shaking, and I thought it was weird. 

"New to this?" I asked, pretending like I wasn't new to this.

"I- I- I know you might not believe me, but I just went a little crazy when my ex dumped me. He first knocked me up with his kid. Told me what a wonderful life we would have together for months then," She looked over the battlefield, "He did things to me, and I miscarried and then dumped me. I- I know now I went a little too far, but I didn't kill him. Then, when I was about to be given my prison sentence, A group of terrorists attacked the building I was in. I just ran with all the others and ended up in this place. I know my way around a rifle, and I- I allow the men to have fun with me so they feel the need to protect me. I no longer feel fear of pregnancy because of my ex." Emma said, and I looked at her.

The fear I saw looked real, but I wasn't sure about the story. "So I guess the answer is no," I replied.

"No, I have killed doing this. I had to, but this," Emma said, looking at the broken bodies.

I reached behind me and grabbed the tablet, "Well, We don't have time to gawk anymore. Animals or others may come at any moment, and I want to clean this up." I told her, and she nodded.

The first thing I had her do with me was walk around and take photos of the scene that I left. Dead bodies and weapons lay around, and with her taking photos and me taking pictures, everything moved along quickly. I got her to take close-ups from a distance so that they knew the people were dead. It was something that no one could have lived through. Then, once we were done, I had her start to gather the guns with no permission to check guns or touch the trigger. 

Emma got to work while I started to bandage myself up, and the slow leak of blood went into the cleanest torn clothing I could find. It would have to do till I got back to the cave. I should have taken one of the healing shots Nyava gave to me before heading out. That would have been smart, but I wasn't thinking like that.

Once everything was gathered, I thought about it and looked into the night. No, I wouldn't go into the cave yet. Instead, I would take a trip with these guns and bring them back and get that healing shot, or whatever it was Nyava gave to me. That potion would hopefully help with this wound.

"Emma, Grab the guns; wrap them up in something from one of your dead comrades and follow me," I told her. Two minutes later, she was following me as I now carried my sniper and assault rifle again. I wouldn't let her carry them again as it felt weird for me. I brought her back to the cave set up and walked past the vines, "Do not step on the moss," I told her strictly, "The moss will kill you," I warned her sternly, and Emma's eyes widened. I showed her in, and much to my satisfaction, she listened, and then we ascended the large steps up into the well-lit cavern where Emma gasped.

Emma then noticed Kimmy on the bed with a water bottle, and Kimmy's eyes lit up and then darkened as she saw the collar on Emma. "Only Tamerial is alive, and he is bound tightly, unable to move," Emma told Kimmy. And I saw the light of hope leave her eyes, and I wondered about Emma. 

"Put the guns down over there," I motioned to a corner, and Emma did as followed as I went to my backpack. I pulled out rations and then the potion and the injector. I loaded it up as Nyava told me to, put it against my neck, and then pressed down. Suddenly, I felt the oddest feeling of something moving through my skin into me. It was like sweating backward, and I wanted badly to pull the thing away from me. But I finished the entire potion in seconds, and the feeling was over. 

Then my arm started to feel super itchy, and I felt something being pushed out of my body where the wound was. I grunted as I wanted to scratch so badly that it was healing up. And I removed the trash bandage. I looked at the hole in my clothing and where there had been a hole as it quickly started to heal. Watching it heal up so quickly was super odd that I wanted to shudder. 

I needed to distract myself, so I dove into the rations and started to eat a large portion of food while both my slaves watched. It was an odd feeling; then I tossed them some rations, too, "You may eat. We got something to do soon, so eat quickly." With the order out, we ate in silence. 


Sorry made a chapter mistake fixed now