Unique Quest

The night was long as I headed outside and started to lay traps, mostly with the metal I had brought. I sharpened some tent pegs and dug holes before covering them with the nearby vine. I wanted to make the place look as unsettled as possible, and I enjoyed thinking of scenarios where people could fall into them.

They were primitive traps and would wound only and not kill. I wanted anyone to be loud and complain a lot if they tried to enter the cave. I wanted them to look for a place to rest instead of storming my cavern—anything to slow them down and create casualties I could leave with instead of being killed.

I was digging little pits, and I turned to look at the water and wondered about wild animals, too. Should I hunt as well and kill for some pelts and things like that? It would be fresh food instead of the basic rations that I currently had. I shook my head on that idea and decided against it. I was not out here to hunt animals but NPCs and learn more about this game while doing so.

This time that I spent down on the ground taught me a lot about combat in the forest that you normally would not think about when playing older games. Escape from Ohio was one of them, as it was a realistic shooter about a short civil war that happened over an old election. It was a hyper-realistic game you could play on the PC and was exclusive to one console. It was a harsh game that made you watch everything at once. The problem was that the forest work was a little unrealistic, and people complained about it as there were no animals. 

There were animals around here, and I could see wildlife as I made my way toward the water. I washed myself of the dirt and blood as I needed to be cleaner to sneak up in the future. After a couple of days in the wilderness, you start to stink if you don't wash up. I got back to work and was happy at the quiet night with nothing but the critters of the night. It was nice, and it was something I hadn't had since I was young. 

The forest was foreign, but the feeling of camping was nostalgic. 

I remembered the times that I went camping with my dad up in the northern parts of Ontario. When we would sit around a campfire and stare up into the sky, he would tell me what he knew about the sky. I missed those days, even if my brother was a pervert and would try to make everything about sex. 

I guess I wasn't too far from him in that regard, as I now spent most of my free time doing things sexually. Even my work was something about making people think perverted thoughts about me while I sleep. Then again, who wouldn't want a job where all you had to really do was sleep?

That was the amazing part about sleep streaming.

I heard a twig crunch suddenly as I was lost in thought, trying to get a trap finished. This was a simple tent peg that I sharpened, and it would come around a tree and hit you in the ankle. Another wounding trap, and I heard the sound of a couple of voices. It was in the distance, and I was flat against the ground, already working on the trap. I went quiet and no longer was lost in my thoughts. 

Minutes rolled by, and I heard the sounds getting closer. It was slow, but I heard them get near, and I realized that they were within fifty meters of me now. I turned, and I could start to hear a conversation. 

"No, I repeat again, we haven't heard from them, or we wouldn't be fucking out here, Frank." A woman cursed, "We are here to see if someone attacked them or if they ran off. It has only been a day, and it could easily be nothing. But we are supposed to prioritize calling back. They were here for the most recent bounty hunters and should have seven to bring back. A Solo Rish'an Locktor and a half dozen halfbreeds and human Bounty Hunters." The woman said, and I froze.

They were talking about me and the group captured back at my base camp. That had to have been it, and I was considered a rare species! "Hannah, I just don't feel comfortable; something has been bugging me since we got this assignment from the boss," A distinct, irritating male voice said. There was something about that voice that I hated because even if the words were okay, he made it sound like he was complaining more than speaking. 

"Fuck, I know, I have a bad feeling too, But we have to do this," The woman said, "They were supposed to report last night, and you know the procedures," She continued, "We will check in if you don't because we are hunting BOUNTY HUNTERS DIPSHIT!" She was loud, and I would have heard them both, but it sounded like his constant complaining exasperated her. 

"Well, that means that if the camp is gone, then there are bounty hunters out there hunting us!" He complained.

"No Shit," She sighed, and their voices started to head out into the clearing, and I slowly turned around with my trap not yet completed. "Fuck, Nevermind, there is no camp," The woman suddenly said, her voice sounding dark, "There would have been something visible from the clearing. We either missed them leaving, they are dead, or they were captured. Who knows, but we need to go back and regroup." 

I frowned as the woman was smart; I wanted to attack these two, maybe buy myself more time, but I didn't think it would matter. I wanted to move closer and see if I could, so I grabbed my handgun as I crawled forward. My mind was mixed on what to do as I wanted to both hide and engage for various reasons. 

Still, I moved forward when I heard the woman start to talk. "This is Hannah Scout, pair three. We have no contact with the base. No sign that they have a camp at location Waterfall Repeat, No sign of activity at Location Waterfall." Then she stopped as I moved closer. I wanted to catch these two just after they reported whatever they reported.

Well, that would depend on what the enemy base commander wanted them to do. I know what I would do if I were them, and I did not want to scouts looking around the area while I wanted to make more traps.

"Yes, Boss, I found no activity here. No bounty hunters, and as it is dark, I see no signs of a large group. They reported that they caught the half-breed group," She said, "I am unsure of what happened, but we see no signs of a fire, which allows us to check where they are. If they camped in the usual spot, then they are not here. I see no signs of an overwatch either in the normal location. So," The woman's voice trailed off, and I heard the man scoff.

"Boss would know all of that," He said, his voice still whiney.

Was he related to the other complainer?

"I will stand by," She said, and she turned on her male partner as I got closer. I was in an underbrush just a couple of steps away from them, my face covered in dirt as I watched them. "You stupid fuck, I am talking to the boss, and I answer her questions. That is simple; I don't care if it is easy to deduce. Could you imagine that she sometimes has to talk to people like Darrel?" She snapped.

"Oh," He said, this time not sounding whiney.

"Oh, My ass, not all of us in the scout group can think for ourselves. Now shut the fuck up. We might have some bounty hunters wandering around. I doubt that the bounty hunter or bounty hunters would stick around, but you never know," She said, and the man thankfully shut up.

Both the man and the woman were in the dark, and I could barely see the outline. I could see something like horns on the woman as she stared out into the clearing. Both of them were carrying something like rifles and were now quiet. It was a time when nothing happened, and I wondered what the choice would be when my eyes suddenly widened.


New Unique Quest Obtained: Location Waterfalls Temporary Camp

You have discovered potential information on why people are staying in this area. You believe they may be Criminals ambushing Bounty Hunters as they come into the forest seeking Criminals. They take them and bring them to this area as a gathering location before sending them somewhere else.

The boss is now aware they are missing or dead and is sending a force to the location in a couple of days. 


This quest is automatically accepted as long as you are in the area. Completing this quest will mean killing/capturing an unknown amount of reinforcements.

You may leave the area and Evade.

Reward: Chain Quest, ????

Failure: Death in defending the area


"Yes, boss," The woman suddenly said and turned to the man. "We will scout the area and report to the boss when he reinforces us. Apparently, this is not the only base camp that lost contact so it will be a day or so."

"Fuck, that means we are out here for at least two days," The man whined, and I rolled my eyes hearing him.

My mind behind them was spinning as both moved over to a tree. They both looked annoyed in the darkness, and it seemed they were resting. I needed both these 'scouts' dead so I could set up. If I were going to have visitors in three days, I would need to set some things up! 

There would need to be a decoy camp and various other tricks I could pull. But with these two here, they would have information on what had happened these couple of days. I could even clean up more of the traces of the previous group with the slaves back in the cave. In fact, I could potentially pick up the woman, as she didn't sound whiney, and take her into the cave as a fresh slave. 

I frowned; I could also just make Tamerial a slave and be done with it. Right now, I was here, and I knew where these two were. It would take a long time to sneak back to the cave. It's too long; they might move to a better resting spot where I didn't know they were. They were also off guard right now resting, and I could already hear the guy grumbling.

"Fuck I had an appointment with Katey back at camp," He said.

"That slut?" The woman replied, "Come on, Frank, you should have standards," She quipped.

"Fuck you, Hannah, Only Emma was the good output, and she is now missing in action. I was hoping that they were here and I could finish a nice night with her," The man replied.

"Bah, Emma is better at munching carpet; you men are a waste of her skills," the woman replied, and I wanted to chuckle. So it seemed that Emma had a really good reputation among the criminals as a slut.

"Ah, She squeezes cock so good, though," Frank said wistfully, "Fuck, now I am hard," He complained, his voice whiny.

I could visibly see his entire body turn to Hannah, and I heard her chuckle, "Fuck no, you go to the bushes and think of Emma," 

"Fuck, I just looked at you, Hannah, I was- Fuck it. Fine, I want to fuck, let's fuck," Frank complained, and I watched from my distance. I moved slowly, hoping to get in a position where I could take these two out one at a time. I had a grenade to make a trap, but I would rather not use my limited number of grenades.

"Fuck no, I am not Emma; I will cover us just go fap in the bushes; I do not want your Wolf-kin genes on me or in me, Fucking gross, I am a high Elf," She scoffed.

"Yeah, Yeah, I get it; you're an uptight bitch," He complained, then started to walk away, and she turned to the bushes and looked out into the clearing. 

"Fucking asshole can fuck off," She said to herself as I started to creep toward her, and she pulled out her rifle. I watched her as she took out the magazine and looked at the ammo before reloading her gun. In the distance, you could hear the grunts from the man as he beat his meat. It was very faint, and I could hear a disgusted noise from the woman as I almost reached her. Minutes crawled, and I moved up into a crouch position, pulling out my knife, and was a step behind her when it happened.


Hannah turned to me, her eyes widening, but my knife was in front of me, and I moved faster than I thought I could. My knife was up to her neck and slicing across her neck before she figured out that I wasn't Frank trying to sneak up and rape her. Instead, I was the very person she was on the lookout for. Her eyes widened, and she tried to shout, and her mouth opened, and nothing came out but a wheeze. She looked at me, then looked scared, and then slowly fell to the forest floor in a slump. I took her gun and wrapped it around my shoulder, and I sighed in relief. 

One dead, and I started to move towards the sound of the dick being masturbated. I moved with purpose, and I heard him grunt, "Yeah, Take it, Hannah; you like that, you high elf bitch?" He demanded as I walked up behind him. Then he twitched, and I moved a bit faster. I saw even in the darkness as he smirked, turning to look at me. "Oh, changed your mind, Hannah?" He asked. His cock was a large ten inches, but his eyes widened as he realized that in the darkness I wasn't Hannah. I had larger breasts and Rish'an Locktor ears. I moved forward, "OH FUCK! HANNAH!" Frank screamed to his dead partner as I had already cut the distance to the man only armed with his cock. My hand grabbed his neck, and my knife punctured just behind his chin and moved up into his head, hitting resistance on the way.

I pulled out and stabbed his neck and heart quickly, and the man never had a chance. I had taken him from complete surprise, and he was now dead, bleeding to death. I didn't know if it was from the first stab, second, or third, but it didn't matter to me. That was two more dead bodies to my catalog as a stealth fighter.

But now I had a group coming here. There wasn't a thought in my mind not to defend the Waterfalls. This was exactly what I wanted to do in the pro league. I had to start somewhere and was looking forward to this attack. I even had a timer for when they would get here. Fuck yeah, I am going for this! I smirked.

Now, It was time to loot these two before I got started on planning.