Date Night

Leaving my apartment building was a bit hard, given everything felt full and tight. Overall, it was wonderful, but it was a bit of a pain to walk with everything inside and outside me. It took me seconds to see the slightly stretched black car with heavily tinted windows in the back, and I smiled, walking towards it. As I neared, the back door opened, and I got to see Amber sliding into the middle car seat and pat the car seat she just left. "Sit down, Honey. I believe you have some things for me."

The blush on my face from her words was something I had seen in so many others as I teased them. It felt good to let loose the reigns again, and I brought my full ass down onto the seat, sending a shiver through me as the toys moved a bit deeper inside me. I closed the door, and Amber tapped a tinted window from the front. "You can go now." Amber said softly, "The other passenger has gotten on. Please, let us have our privacy."

"Sure thing, Ma'am." The Driver said, "You have a lock right in the corner of the window in case you don't trust me as a stranger. Please make use of it and tap the window if you need to talk to me."

"I will do that," Amber replied. A moment later, the window slid shut, and Amber grinned. Now you are dressed incredibly modestly—like a professional—but those gloves are out of place, Honey. Why don't you tell me what's under there as you give me your remotes?" Amber said, and I shivered.

I pulled out the remotes one at a time, and her eyebrows went up as I pulled out the last one, which counted five in total. "I have five rotors on each breast controlled by one remote. Three around my boob and two on the nipple, two on the head of my dick, and one at the base with two on my clit, all controlled by one remote and a vibrator that moves around in both my pussy and ass, both controlled by separate remotes." I said, and I shivered. "Don't you think it is fun not knowing what you are doing to me as you play with the remotes? All of them are stuck in place in a sealed Latex outfit to keep the scent in if I squirt or ejaculate at all during dinner. So no one will know by smell, and the latex will absorb a lot of the sound."

"You are very naughty, Honey. I cannot wait to have you for myself this evening. I take it you can release more than one load? I plan on needing to scoop the cum out of my pussy in the morning."

"I have never left a woman disappointed in performance."

"Then I look forward to unwrapping that Latex off you," Amber said, gabbed a remote, and turned the dial to the max. My eyes widened as the toy in my asshole suddenly burst to life without warning and started to stir up my asshole and bounce against the vibrator inside my cunt. The pleasure spiked in my head, and I could not contain the moan from my lips; Amber giggled. "Oh, nice reaction. Seems I found one of the fun ones. Even better, I can't hear it in this closed space, so no one will be able to tell me at the restaurant." Amber cooed, grabbed another remote, and turned it to a medium setting, and my right breast started to vibrate, sending shivers of pleasure through my body as my breast vibrated and my nipples were teased. 

How could I have done this to myself?

That thought quickly died as Amber opened up her purse and put the remotes away, taking them from my sight and dooming me to just one breast and my asshole being stirred by the bumpy vibrator. I could feel it, and Amber placed her hand on my thigh before she used a hand to make me look at her. I looked deep into her eyes, and I had that small smile on my face so many times. She did not stop, and her lips covered mine, and she pushed herself against me and forced her tongue into my mouth and licked my tongue and mouth all over. 

I closed my eyes, and suddenly somehow, we were lying in the back seat, making out with her knee up against my pussy and my breast in her hand and my arms wrapped around her neck. We were only a few steps away from just having sex in the back seat as she teased my left breast while the right vibrated. I moaned, and my cock throbbed against the latex prison, being left forgotten like my pussy. The constant pleasure from my ass and breasts, though, kept me hard as a rock, and my pussy was gushing on the vibrator deep inside it.

Then, it all ended as the car slowly came to a stop, and the driver knocked on the window. Amber stopped and got up and left me a panting mess with a red face. She wiped the dripping saliva on her face and smiled. "You know, that was not all we are doing tonight, Slut." Amber said and opened the window.

"We are there; I will wait for your call to return. As per the service details, I will not be more than five minutes out."

"Perfect. We will see you then," Amber replied, closing the window as I got up. I opened the door, got out, and raised my eyebrows as I looked at the restaurant. 

"Sapphire?" I said incredulously?"

"The owner is a friend, wait; the owner is my slave bitch that I play with once in a while. I contacted him and told him that I planned to cuck him tonight. He will be paying for the meal, and I will be cucking him with another woman. That he better bring out his A game or that he would never hear from his Queen again." She grinned savagely as I looked at the nice restaurant. "You hold that poor little cucks heart in your hand with your review of the place."

"I love it," I replied truthfully. I felt my heart swell a lot, and although I hated fancy places, the fact that I held a cucks heart in my hands made it worth it. The fact that I had over a dozen toys inside me while doing this was fantastic. I think Amber might know how to hit a lot of my switch tendencies. I had no idea how long she had planned this, and I found myself curious about that.

Amber and I then walked up to the nice solo building with the sapphire blue, and a well-dressed man was smiling as we approached. "Hello, do you have a reservation?" The host asked. The man had a nice large sapphire on his suit, which I thought was a dumb, fancy thing, but I kept my opinion to myself. 

"Yes, my reservation for two is under Amber. The owner should have set up an appointment for me."

"Ah, Yes, Ms. Amber and guest, we have reserved the best place in the restaurant for you two. It is just as you asked for it. Our Chef is looking forward to pleasuring your tastebuds," The host said with a large smile, opened the door, and guided us inside. The restaurant was nice in one of those classic fancy ways. There were a dozen candlelight dinners going on that we walked by, and I had to say. It was a boring, fancy set, in my opinion, but I was biased against fancy places. 

Then we ended up in a little room just off to the side as I continued to walk with a Vibrator deep in my ass, making each step more pleasurable than the last. I had to hold back my moans as we walked past couples and business parties, and the little room that we got was up a set of stairs with a massive window showing off a nice view of the city. I smiled as we finally got to sit down.

"Now, the owner has told us that you are difficult to please and not in a bad way. We are hoping that we can meet your standards this evening. The Chef is prepared to try their best to ensure that everything is perfect."

"Good, now, I know the owner has selected a wine for us tonight," Amber said with a grin, and the waiter nodded.

"Yes, he has selected three that will perfectly match the meals that you decide. I guarantee that it will be perfect. Do you want to see the menus, or do you want to go with the chef's five-course meal, where he goes all out to ensure your happiness?"

Amber raised an eyebrow at me, and I opened my mouth and almost moaned as the vibrator hit a sensitive spot inside me as it stirred up my ass. I took a moment before saying, "Five courses, I want to leave full, though. In the last couple of places like this, I have been to, I always left hungry."

"I will pass your words to the chef. I assure you that you will be most pleased with the meal. We will have drinks and the first course out to you soon. Please, Enjoy our hospitality," the host bowed and left Amber and me in our spot. The moment he was out of hearing, I moaned as I needed to release it.

"Ah, you are enjoying yourself already," Amber said, pulling out the remotes and placing each on the table without care that anyone would see them. Then turned the dial up on another and grinned, "I want you to cum, Slut. I want you bathing in your own juices as we eat," Amber told me with a grin as the vibrators on my cock and clit jumped to life, but she was not done. 

Amber turned up the next one, and my left breast was up almost to the max. Amber finished it off by turning on the one deep inside my pussy, and I learned something about the vibrators I did not know. The one in my pussy was stirring deep inside me clockwise, while the one in my ass was going counterclockwise. The sudden and constant clash of my ass and pussy hitting each other as the vibrators stirred made me double over the table, and I covered my mouth and moaned into my arm. Then I felt Amber push her foot between my knees and push up against my cunt a moment later and grinned.

"Cum, Slut. You will cum for me; I want to feel your squirt." Amber said with a savage smile.

It did not take much, and my head went blank as the assault on my body was relentless. I could feel it all over, and I lost myself in the pleasure and squirted, followed my ejaculating, and my ass started to spasm all over the vibrators that did not cease. I felt my pussy tightening up on the vibrator and my cock throbbing and pulsing with the vibrations, and my nipples were being pinched a little as the vibrations attacked my nipples. Everything was in heaven and a hell of pleasure as it assaulted me without restraint, and I looked up at Amber, who just smiled and watched. 

I could see in her eyes how much she was enjoying this scene with pure sadistic glee, and I reached a second peak. "Enjoying yourself?" Amber asked just as I orgasmed with everything once more and loudly moaned without restraint, and my body started to twitch. Still, she did not relent, and my lower body was melting, and my legs wrapped around hers as I reached another peak even quicker.

"Please," I gasped with a moan caught in my throat, and Amber grinned.

"Cum." Amber ordered, and my head blanked out as my body followed her order without delay filling the latex outfit with more cum and female ejaculate. My legs trembled, and her hand finally moved, turning down two of them. The vibrators on my cock and my asshole slowed down to almost nothing, and the rest were set to a medium.

The release from the max was amazing, and I was breathing heavily as the Waiter came up. I controlled myself and sat up, making the vibrators push in deeper. "Ladies, I am your waiter for the night. My name is Nick. I have been told not only to do my best but to do better than the best for you, which is weird because that is what I always do. First, the theme of the night is Romantic Italian. Our chef is very well known and assures me that you will go home satisfied and happy with the meal. Now, with that out of the way," The waiter pulled a cart that I had not noticed and smiled, "We are starting with a pallet cleanser as is typical. This is Aperitivo, a classic Italian drink," He said, bringing out two tall glasses with an orange wedge on it and a reddish liquid inside, "The Aperitivio is a pre-meal drink designed to cleanse and wet your palate before beginning the first course. I ensure that you will enjoy it. I will be back shortly with the second course. Please, enjoy."

With that, Nick left without another word, leaving Amber and me alone and her smiling. "We can enjoy our drinks and talk a bit more. I can tell that you need to rest a bit from cumming three times,' Amber said with a grin.

I could not help but nod, and Amber's grin grew larger, "Well, I must say, Galaxy Online is not what I expected, Honey. I had to call a contact to skip the line, but I have been playing it the last few days, and I have to say it is amazing to be in combat again." Amber said, leaning back, "I never expected my days in the front line to come back, but this game brought it back like whiplash. You know, I started a character that I think I am growing quite fond of being. I chose a Rish'an Locktor, a species of Gun nuts that I love to carry around arsenals on them. There were a lot of demerits stated in them when I picked the race, but I could see so many upsides. I have been spending days with my new tail learning how to change magazines."

My face was surprised. Amber looked at me as she finished her last sentence and tilted her head, "What has surprised you so much?"

"That is the race that I chose," I replied honestly. I chose a Rish'an Locktor, a Guns specialist."

"Wow, that is insane. I almost picked a gun specialist, but I did not like the creation part of that class; I am good at using other people's weapons. I chose the Agent Class. It uses both the Engineering bonus and the firearms bonus that the Rish'an Locktor gets, and it has a bonus to use on gadgets. But I don't have much of an interest in crafting, so I don't have a subclass. Also, Agents are a five-star difficulty class because most gadgets are tossed away, making them expensive, according to the game. Honestly, I am looking forward to being a bounty hunter, but the game started me in the military, and frankly, I noticed a lot of hate toward the Rish."

"They think we only think about guns," I said with a grin, "Holy shit, out of the hundreds or thousands of races to choose from, I can't believe you chose the same one as me! Tell me, do you love the cat ears?"

"A bit sensitive and really annoying how things scratch at your skin," Amber replied.

"Mmm," I moaned a little, took a drink, and relaxed, which sent a shiver of pleasure up and down my spine."You know, the ears on the Rish can flatten to your head and act as natural earmuffs from the gunshots?" I said after a moment.

Ambers's eyes lit up, "Really, I am going to have to practice that then! I am loving my choice even more now. What are you up to in the game right now?"

"If you promise not to tell anyone."

"Absolutely, I know how to keep a secret.:

"Mmm," I shivered, and I looked at her with that soft, sadistic smile I had seen on my face so many times, and I bit back another and took a drink. "I am in space all over the place. I am in a smugglers ship bounty hunting around the galaxy," I told her with a smirk, only for it to be undercut by her reaching out and twisting a dial and sending my anal vibrator overdrive, making me moan loudly, which she promptly lowered again.

"That sounds great. I bet you are going to get far ahead for a start. Do you mind if I ask how?"

"Prior to the patch, I found a Contract loophole. They allowed those who found it to keep it. So, I have been traveling in the galaxy at this point, and the world and lore are amazing. I loved the game. The Crafting system is insane, too. So much free reign!"

"I look forward to getting out of the tutorial then. But I am going to take my time and learn inside the tutorial."

"Well, I think the Tutorial is trying to adapt gamers like me to think of the game like real life. Die in the game, and you die permanently. Sure, that ends in the main universe, but the difficulty in the main universe is said to be insane."

"Interesting. Then I am not going to change my style, but the food is here," Amber said, ending things as Nick came up with a smile.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation," Nick said with a slight bow, "This is the Second-course appetizer Antipasto, a nice selection of meats and cheeses for you to enjoy," Nick went on about the food on the table for a bit before dismissing himself.

That started the meal, as we started chatting about random things, learning more and more about each other. Amber started to ask about my pro career, and that started me down a rabbit hole of her questions and my answers about the small details about being at the top of the field. It was nice to talk about it over the food, although I thought it was high-class trash, in my opinion. The food was just fancy meats and cheeses.

Then Nick came with the third course, which was a garden salad with a housemade vinaigrette and a whole bunch of other crap I barely cared to listen to as Amber twisted two of the remotes controlling my breasts, making me much more aware of my nipples and breasts, in general. I could see the soft smile on Amber's face as I bit back my moan, and Nick went on about the salad. 

After he left, she did not turn them down, and the salad was left with me moaning as the salad was actually pretty good. I lost myself in a symphony of pleasure, and suddenly, as I was finishing up and setting aside the plate as was Amber, she turned the dial on the other three. Suddenly, everything went into overdrive, and it took me beyond the peak in seconds, making me cry out loud and hit the fork I had just been using to the floor as I orgasmed with all three holes for the fourth time tonight.

Not even a moment later, Nick showed up with a worried smile, "Is everything okay?" Nick asked.

"Oh, I d- Dropped my fork; it just surprised me," I said with a smile, "But we have finished the third course," I finished, trying to cover up that I just had an earth-shattering orgasm while Amber left me to deal with the aftermath.

"The main course will be out in a minute; we also will be having one of the paired wines with it," Nick began to explain the wine and left a moment, after which I glared at Amber, who I realized for that small chat brought the vibrators back down. That changed the moment that he left, and suddenly, I was back to orgasming again, with the bottom half of my body feeling increasingly damp and soaked. Sweat also started to show on my face, and Amber only turned down the vibrators when Nick returned and started to explain the main course.

To my dismay, that edged me. I had been at the peak and about to cum when Nick showed up to pour wine and give us more food, and my legs were rubbing together. My mind was starting to get hazy from the teasing and the delicious meal. The slow timer made things even weirder to me as things came out slowly. My body was also starting to get more and more desperate for that pleasure.

But for the main course, Amber let me rest, much to my growing dismay, and when we finished, the dessert came out, and I had finished my wine, as did Amber. Apparently, it was something super expensive, and I could not care less. The dessert was coffee made into a sweet and delicious dessert, although I could barely register that as Nick talked and Amber turned up the dials to make me wallow and pretend nothing was wrong. She was loving every moment of this, and I was shuddering as I came in my latex body suit again and again. I could feel the cum dripping down my legs and reaching my feet ever so slowly as it stuck to my skin. I had no idea what it would smell like once we were finished, as I had been sitting in my own cum and female ejaculate for hours during this meal. 

We drank the dessert, and Amber stood up, grinned, and walked over to me. I looked up at her. "Did you enjoy the meal, Honey? Are you still happy to come over tonight and enjoy my company?"

"Yes," I breathlessly replied as Nick arrived, "All done?" 

"Yes, Tell your owner that Amber said that she was moderately delighted by the outcome of this meal. He will be ecstatic that I said so. Also, Nick, the meal was delicious, and your service was impeccable. You ignored what needed to be ignored and acknowledged what needed to be acknowledged. Tell your boss that I have high praise for you. You may also insist that I told you you deserve a raise."

"Um, Thank you. The owner has comped the meal; I hope you both have a good night." Nick replied, and I shivered as I realized that I had not noticed that Nick had realized what had been going on the entire time. I did not know how to feel about that, but Amber left the toys on full blast, and the toys were rattling inside my body, sending another earth-shattering orgasm through me. I felt my cock releasing more semen, and I shivered before Amber turned down the vibrations.

"Good Girl, let's go," Amber said, helping me stand and put the toy remotes into her handbag. Then, she helped guide me toward the door arm-in-arm. My legs were trembling as I attempted to walk with the weak vibrations. My face was hot, and Amber pulled out her phone and called the driver just as we walked outside; we walked out into the cool night, and she smiled, "Not such a bad fancy place," Amber said with a grin. "Did you enjoy the date?"

"Yes," I shivered, "Although the decor still screams rich assholes with no imagination," I said, feeling the need to insult the place.

"That I will not disagree on, but here is our ride; I plan on making you scream for hours tonight, Honey." 

The promise hung in the air as she guided me to the heavily tinted car we arrived in.

I had no idea what I signed myself up for, but I knew it was going to be a hell of a night.

As I sat down, sending the vibrators deeper inside me, I shivered in anticipation of what Amber had in mind.


Thank you for reading. 

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