Sexy Bitches

Logging back into the universe, I turned the speed up to four to one and stretched as I became Sleepywonder. I wondered in the back of my head if maybe I should have changed my name to something more normal, but I shook my head, deciding that it should not matter. I got out of bed and almost hit the roof of the living quarters because I was not paying attention at the last moment. I breathed a sigh of relief before grabbing my clothing. I found a black tank top, gun holsters, and black cargo pants with a note, which I read and smiled.


When you wake up, please put these on. I expect you to fulfill your promise before you go into the forest and we are going to buy me some sexy clothes and some for you as well. I do have a surprise for you, but I want to see you in some sexy clothes too.

Captain Ura"

I chuckled, put on the clothes while ducking down, and grabbed the handgun on the nightstand. I moved and noticed we had left the rest of my arsenal in the common area. I grabbed my sawed-off shotgun, and I reached out for my sniper rifle and paused. I felt an eye twitch as I left it there and went down the ladder to start cooking. I felt odd, not fully loaded up, and it was annoying. But I knew that if I was going out, I did not need to be fully loaded for war.

I sighed, cooked a light meal, and finished it quickly as I heard something going on underneath me. The dock workers seemed to be still at work, and I stretched. Walking out to my workplace, I saw the boxes of guns all stacked up into three large piles. Instead of letting it stay like that, I quickly opened them up, sorted what they were, and organized the workplace all over. I took my time to identify and get ready to use all the tools for what they were like in some of the tutorials.

Finishing took me just under an hour, but I wanted to be ready when I returned. Then, it was time for me to go find Ura and have fun. I would leave Nyava for later, and the waiting would do her good. I chuckled, knowing that the worst thing to a masochist was not being hurt but being told no by their sadist. 

The part I loved the most was being the one to say no. 

Chuckling, I made sure to put on my new knife and set aside my armor. I would have to take some time getting used to putting it on and taking it off. I never knew when an emergency would happen. Still, I walked out with fewer weapons than I wanted and headed out to find Ura looking over some data pads with a frown.

"Hey, I am awake, and I got the thing I wanted to do out of nowhere. You still up for it?" I asked as I entered the bridge.

"Ah! You startled me," Ura said, then turned to me. "I was looking into a second shipment when we reach our next destination. It seems that there is something going on in the background of the federation that is making our services particularly wanted. Suppose we follow your idea, and then we need a list of contacts that are not just the end users. I have a." Ura paused to think about it, "I would not call them a friend, but let's say an associate that is closer to the manufacturing side of the business, and they just so happen to need people like us."

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"A stake."

"Nah," I said, shaking my head. "There are no direct ties; in fact, tell them that. We are a budding enterprise, and our services are in demand. Do you have an issue finding cargo?"

"Nope, our services are in high demand. Just the good packages are riskier."

"So you want a solid source of constant work with a group incentivized to back us up."


"Still, no need for them to have a share. If they dislike that, then they can find someone else. Which I am sure they would be doing if you were one of the few still willing."

"Hmmm," Ura looked thoughtful. Then she started typing something into a console, hit a button harder than normal, and stood. "Then I think that message should be about do it. They either do or don't. You're right. We can choose our cargo; they can't choose a ship."

"Then, shall we go?" 

"Absolutely, I want to try on a couple of things, and I want to have you in something sexy," Ura replied, her voice almost a purr.

I smiled, and she looked me up and down as we walked beside me as we exited the ship. She seemed to do something quickly before leaving, and we walked out of the spaceport towards the AI cars. "So, what are you doing with the two slaves I brought back?" I asked as I walked with her, and she smiled.

"That medical assistant has started to learn from Nyava, the poor girl. Nyava has been talking her ear off and going wildly about various things she needs to pay attention to. As for the other girl you brought back? I had her cleaning around the place away from important things. I am surprised you did not see her as you woke up."

"I didn't, but you never know. Even if she wanted to escape now, she would just go back to being a sex slave for a bunch of criminals. I plan on making her into something under my umbrella."

Ura chuckled, "I look forward to that. I must say, though, Emily was an amazing pickup. She has been worth every credit we purchased for her. She has been essential in the repair of the engine. Seriously, her expertise was higher than she let on to the slave company. They picked up a steal when she got caught."

Grinning, I nodded, "That is good to hear. I made some good cash but still not enough for various things. I also got a nice set of customized medium armor from my latest escapade."

"I look forward to seeing it," Ura replied with a slightly shy smile and blush. I grinned and wrapped my arm around her. I pulled her close and we finished walking out of the spaceport and got into a taxi. Soon with Ura putting in where we were going I just held onto her with my thoughts drifting.

Amber was now my girlfriend, and I still had Ura. I still did not know how to feel that I was like an NPC in a video game. One that I did not know if I could take into the main universe. There were six months of game time for the tutorial, and the contract automatically ended. So if she was not coming with me, that would suck. I liked her company and her pussy. No human could feel like that, and her breasts were a sight to behold. But she was also something else.

I did not know what it was that made me attach myself to her. Something about her I just liked, but I did not know how to feel about that. There was so much to Ura that I just did not know about. Her service was definitely unconventional, but what would I know about conventional in this world? It was so damn complicated, and the fact that she was an NPC just made it all the weirder.

"Credit for your thoughts?" Ura suddenly asked.

"Sure, I am just thinking about what a tight little outfit I am going to put you in," I told her with a grin, and she blushed.

"Any ideas?" Ura asked, her face a deeper tinge of purple.

"Yes, I thought about putting you in something that shouldn't be counted as clothing. Then I wondered about turning you into cattle for my enjoyment. But those giant tits don't produce milk for me to squeeze out."

Ura blushed even harder and looked away. "You know, for our kind at least, there is a pill for that?" Ura said, not looking away, and my eyebrows raised.


"The milk of our species is considered a rare delicacy, so our military is quite active because of it. Besides the point, our milk is said to be delicious, and" Ura's neck turned a purple shade, and I was startled. "There are some pills to do that sort of thing. I, um, you know, um, would, um, not mind, you know, god," Ura turned to me with a purple face. "I would love it if you milked me!"

What the fuck!

I said that in jest!

I opened my mouth, saw the blush on her face, and stopped myself from responding right away. I took a deep breath. "I need to ask this, but does this have a second meaning to your species?" I asked. "I do not want to remain ignorant if this means more to you than it does me."

Ura turned away. "Y—yes, it does. It, um, means you want to pursue the person milking you. You want them to taste your milk to see if they like it—nothing more than that."

"So, it means we would be dating?" I asked suspiciously, and Ura nodded.

"Then I will take it that way, Sure," I told her before I could think myself out of it. I really wanted to try that milk, and I had never tried in real life. This was going to be a novel experience, and from the expression on Ura's face, I could tell that this was a sort of confession. 

How did Gabin Corporation make such a character feel so real? An NPC felt like an actual person, and the smile on her face brightened up the taxi. "I will get the pill then. It should be at the mall. They come in packs of ten. So, I would like to use them all."

"How long do they last?" I asked.

"Umm, About two days. On day one, we need to be milked hard, but it stops pretty quickly. There is also a version that lasts a couple of hours instead, but," Ura shook her head, "It leaves the user extremely hyped up. It is more like a date rape drug, except we remember everything."

"Oh, Okay," I said and nodded. So, it probably made her hyper-sexual at the same time and probably stopped their ability to say no. "I hope that never happened to you," I said, feeling a little dumb saying so. Ura turned to me just as the taxi came to a stop.

"I know it feels like I might be rushing things, but I also really like being milked. It feels really good; it has been over five years since the last time I have been." Ura told me just as we started to get out.

"Well, then, where are we going for clothing?" I asked.

Ura smiled now, still blushing on her face, although I could see the excitement in her eyes. She was riding the high of me, saying yes to milking her, making me a bit suspicious that it might mean something more than she was letting on.

"The store is called Sexy Bitches, in the local dialect; no way am I even going to try and say the actual words," Ura said, reaching out and pulling me to the store, "To be honest with you, Sleepywonder, I was worried you might not like Milk play. Some cultures in the galaxy think a woman's milk is only for babies and that you should treat it as such. My culture obviously doesn't," Ura told me with a blush, and I looked at her surprised, making her chuckle. "I can see you thinking that it might still mean more because of how I am acting or something. Sleepy, my last relationship, my boyfriend at the time turned out to be someone who hated the thought of my breasts being used for anything but children."

That made much more sense, but it showed me more that Ura was quite the NPC. I refused to believe Gabin Corporation could achieve this level of complexity with every character. They would not have the processor power, and the only other thing would be that this was some other damn world, but that is a stupid thought. How would they have updated the game if that was true?

I needed badly to stop thinking about this or I might drive myself crazy.

We quickly entered the tower, and Ura pulled me to the side, where a door opened for us, and we were in an elevator. "Sexy Bitches," Ura said loudly, and I could feel the floor move up and accelerate. Suddenly, I felt like we were going very fast, and just as suddenly as it accelerated, it slowed to a halt and opened up. 

Ura and I stepped out, and I could see dozens of stores all over with people walking around. Ura pulled me again, and I followed her with my hand in hers, thinking that I might need to do so just to ensure I didn't get lost in the crowd.

But we did not need to go far as we reached a blacked-out doorway with a sign all in symbols I did not know. We stepped in, and someone said something I did not understand before saying, "Welcome to Sexy Bitches. If there is anything you need, please let me know," A woman behind a counter said with a smile.

"Yes, can I get some," Ura coughed and blushed, and the woman smiled.

"Yes, we have some. The drug does quite the sexual increase in the Delvon species. Of course, we have a small supply of them. How many?" The woman asked, and I looked over. I noticed her skin was a slight bubblegum pink, and I wondered what species she was when suddenly a hand from her back reached behind her and grabbed a box without her needing to turn back, and she underhanded and grabbed it toward her 'normal' hands. Then handed it to Ura, "There is also extra strength if you want. For a lover that is really thirsty or if you want some for the fridge, but the hormones are a kick."

"No thanks, I will take these," Ura said with a blush, and the woman chuckled.

"Then I will stop teasing you. Now, go pick out some outfits; any you 'try out' must be purchased. I hope you enjoy your time at Sexy bitches, and please, ask me if you need any help."

Ura retreated, pulling me along. I chuckled, and Ura opened the package and quickly took a pill with a blush.

"Taking it now?" I asked, surprised.

"It takes time for me to fill up and for the hormones to settle in. We will be back before then. Although we won't be able to play much here, though."

"Then let's start shopping," I said with a grin. "I'll pick out clothes for you, and you for me?" I asked, and Ura's smile lit up the store, and she nodded.

We both set out to find clothes for each other with large smiles on our faces.


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