Smugglers Needed

Hey Everyone, 


Thank you for reading this far. This is the third book in the series, and I hope you enjoy it~! If you are enjoying it, I would love if you could take the time and give it a good review for me so I can reach a wider audience, Thanks~!




Day in and out, for the next five days, I gamed hard, extremely hard. 

Ura was going from place to place with a setup route that was taking us all over the sector with high-end deliveries. Nothing was off the table for us to smuggle into first-class planets. Ura was confident we could do a core world smuggling operation, but she did not want to risk the surveillance that would happen on those planets. 

One of the things with dealing in the black market I learned was how fucking stupid Ura was for not having me around. Or some type of protection when she first started, and I poked at her sometimes, "Come on, Ura, knowing what we know now, it was kind of stupid to think with those previous pirate bitches that you were going to be a smuggler."

Ura blushed a nice purple, and she glared at me, "I get it," Ura said, "I thought smuggling was going to be a lot fewer fights. I have no idea why so many people think they can burn me!" Ura complained that another attempt to steal cargo was made on our last run on a plant called Haven Six. It was a forest planet that turned into a Tier One planet because of the natural resources among the trees. The Cities were in the skies on Counter-grav plates with massive resource-gathering capabilities. Almost the entire economy was made through lumber and carefully harvested minerals. The Lumber was prized for how it looked and the unique metal attributes it pulled up. Plus, it made a lot of Mages Staves as an excellent mage Conductor. 

All of which meant that the planet strictly controlled the ins and outs of traffic there. Which led to us having an issue with the underground there that dealt drugs. The problem was that no one told Ura that the people we were delivering to were smoking their own fucking stash. We delivered them a massive cargo container full of their addiction, M78521, as Nyava would call it. Or on the streets, Deepblue. It was a trip that sent you into the depths of the ocean, they said with blitz out eyes and tried to get Ura to take it.

When that did not happen, they tried to say they did not have the money. Then they attempted to attack Ura, which my shotgun dealt with quickly, scaring the rest. I killed a few more as they ran while capturing their leader. We then stole their money, killed the leader, and sold it to another gang on the planet, making double. Unfortunately, we found ourselves doing this once in a while.

It was stupid, but those tweakers fucking took a bunch of federation credits from some stupid rich kid they got high. Then they ordered the delivery of the stuff from a friend of a friend, which was how we ended up there. That is what the gang we sold the drugs said after looking into it. Or that was what they told Ura just as we reached this Beach destination!

Planet Golden Sands twelve.

We had a shipment full of legit wood for the planet's manufacturing base and a much more clandestine shipment of DRUGS! I was finding that drugs were probably going to be a major shipping channel of ours, and this one was called Green Haze, made on the planet we just came from. 

I was in my armor, covered head to toe in reflective optical camouflage meant for ambushing. Covered in said camouflage, I had a sawed-off shotgun at my back just above my hips and a handgun in the holster that people could not see, but I memorized where it was. On my shoulder, I had a shotgun, and on the other, an assault rifle. I was nicely kitted out, but I missed my sniper rifle. 

"We are going to that cave system there," Ura pointed out as we drove our Airlorry out, and I sighed. It looked like a trap.

"That is a trap," I said bluntly, and Ura smiled at me, "Well, I do have another buyer already.

"Then why are we even dealing with this shit?" I asked bluntly.

"Because we have a reputation to uphold."

I sighed, and Ura was right.

I looked at the destination, and it was just outside the city, in the desert sands, in a small cave—well, relatively small compared to others in the area. We pulled up in the skimmer truck, pulled the contents of the shipment, and pulled up to the entrance, where we got out. There was an overhang over the cave entrance, which was nice as it blocked us from overhead sight.

I jumped out and looked around, not seeing anything obvious while Ura contacted the buyers. I moved into the corner. My armor worked passively, and I stood just to the side with my assault rifle in my hands. I blended into the background, and Ura got out not long after me with a handgun in her hand. She walked out, sighed, and started to tap her foot as she waited.

"Well, well, well, a Beauty is waiting for us. How about you come inside for some fun," a blue male said, coming out. Ura's eyebrows raised in surprise at seeing her own species here.

"Those breasts are massive~! I would love to stuff my face in them!" Another guy said, coming out, and this time, it was a human with one more walking out. This time, it was a woman with four legs who was carrying a shorter torso. Those muscles were fucking thick, though. She carried a fucking minigun in her hands, and I had to say, I was fucking impressed.

"I have my own lover with a thick cock to please me," Ura said, "You want your shit, pay me."

Ura held out her hand for the chip, and the two guys looked at each other.

"You are out here alone.

"Correction, I am not out here alone. You think I am that fucking stupid?" Ura asked, rolling her eyes, "I have my back up, and they are around. Just in case stupid people like you continue that sentence, I have to do something about it. Please, just fucking pay. Let me go home without my partner in crime being able to laugh at me about another deal going south."

I could hear the exasperation in her voice, as this was the third time in a row they had attacked us. 

"I don't see them," The Human said with a sneer, and Ura sighed heavily.

"Grunk," The woman suddenly said, and I could see her looking at me, and I was not holding my assault rifle in ready position from the side. She could see that the gun was aimed at her, and there was no way a minigun would win when I just had to press the trigger. "Pay, and let's go. Stop fucking with them." The woman's voice was feminine yet deep, and Ura smiled.

"At least one of you is smart."

"An' gie, you are being paranoid; she is out here alone.

"Grunk, stop trying to get us killed," the woman exclaimed. The blue guy finally followed her gaze, and I saw him turn a very light shade of pink, which must be going pale for Ura's species.


"Why should I?" The human complained, "We outnumber her!"

I decided to finally jump in, "Because I am aiming a fucking assault rifle at your friend's dipshit. That is why they already realized we have the jump on you instead of the other fucking way around. Like, look at these idiots, Ura." I said, not moving my sight from them, and the human jumped and picked up his handgun, starting to try and aim at me. I put my gun to burst and quickly changed my aim as he pulled the trigger at nothing, and I ripped three bullets into him in return.

He fell to the sandy ground, one in the side, chest, and head, and the other two put up their hands in surrender. The woman dropped the minigun, and I sighed.

"Look, Ura, I was right again."

"I GET IT!" Ura snapped, "Fuck!" I chuckled.

"Okay, you put down your guns; I don't care about the dead guy. Pay us for the shipment with a ten percent extra for ridding you of such a fucking moron, or you pay us the normal amount, and you both live, but we keep the stuff for selling to your rivals. How does that sound."

"Here is the money," the blue guy said, walking toward Ura. I watched his movements carefully.

She took a chip from him, and then Ura nodded, "A nice clandestine drop account without the extra ten percent to keep the drugs," Ura said.

"Look, can we pay you back? That was the last of the credits we had.

"Nope," I interjected, "You do not try to rip us off and not pay the penalty. We also don't want you leaving our sight. You have two minutes, at most, to wire us more money, or we leave with that container of Green Haze."

The woman shrugged, "I got no issue; please don't kill me; I'm only a mercenary." She said bluntly. I looked at her, and she stepped away from her gun. Something told me to be more wary of her, though, so I kept an eye on her while the guy pulled out a small tablet and started to do something about it.

"Steve, I need ten percent more for the delivery. Grunk is dead because he tried to hijack the shipment and failed. Now they are demanding ten percent more to deal with this issue."

"You fucking morons, I told you never to try and steal a shipment unless you are able to." the voice sneered.

"One minute left, dipshit."

"Transferring the funds to the middle account. Give us our drugs," The voice said, and Ura looked at her tablet, then turned to me and nodded. 

"Good," Ura said with an exasperated sigh. "I will no longer be dealing with you idiots again.

"How about a shipment worth double that to a Core world?" The Voice said, and Ura started to laugh. They jumped into the skimmer, and suddenly, the skimmer dumped the cargo container.

"Nope, I'm not interested," Ura said and looked at me. I moved slowly as she got the skimmer ready to go.

"I can make it worth your while!" The Voice said.

"Look," I said, "You just tried to steal our shipment, but it's not happening." I said, "I won't allow her to. Next time, do your criminal enterprise legitimately. Trust is the backbone of smuggling. We can always ride off to the sunset with the deposit and shipment and make more money. Yet here we are, delivering the goods," I sneered, "You burned a shipper in a market with barely any," I got in the Skimmer, and Ura took off, and I watched, and the woman grabbed her minigun, and I watched her from a distance to see what she would do. I was tempted to take it but decided against it. I was not a heavy weapons person, and I did not make the gun myself.

With that, we were out of sight, and Ura looked at me with a blush. " Are you ready to pick up the shipment we are smuggling out of here?"

"At least the pickups haven't been stupid, right?"

Ura smiled, and I rolled my eyes as I looked at the woman in the driver's seat. She had large E-cup breasts held tightly in a black and white jumpsuit conditioned to assist with hot weather, and my armor did the same. It regulated my body heat and dissipated it into the air to match the temperature outside to help camouflage me. 

I looked at the Blue woman, who was a lover and an NPC, and I sighed as we drove to the next destination.

Which was another cave.

I got out as we arrived, and I pulled out my shotgun. This place looked more professional. With a large metal gate and another overhang that blocked the door from sight and made a large area of shade. The doors stationed two guards and those two guards came out immediately to greet us. Both were unarmored, though, and I looked at them with an eye to kill them if they were an issue. They eyed me, and I could see their guards go up quickly. They were afraid of the woman in the suit of passive optical camouflage standing before them. If we disengaged from a firefight, they knew I would be a menace in the sands of this planet, and one of them radioed in. Ura pulled up to the cave, got out, and sighed. Soon, a golden-looking woman came out of the metal doors with four arms, and I was surprised.

"Holy shit, an asura?" Ura said, surprised.


"A Species that excels in hand-to-hand combat. They are like Rish in many ways, except instead of guns, they are crazy about hand-to-hand combat." 

Interesting. This game just keeps getting more and more in-depth. Then again, the species list on the game was insanely long to the point of indecision.

"Ura, I am Gladine," The Asura said, walking up, "You are the smuggler?" She asked, and Ura nodded, and the woman smiled, "Good, you have protection. Is that a rish?" The woman asked a moment later.

"My colleague is of sound mind," Ura reassured, and the Asura laughed.

"Us Asura, find what happened to the Rish'an Locktor to be a real shame." Gladine said, "Unlike our home planet being found by the Federation and being uplifted in return for three hundred years of joining their military, they were invaded. A real shame; I could only wonder what it would have looked like to see a species of such single-minded focus like ours joining the community."

That was a surprise.

"That is a scary thought," Ura said with a smile, "A million Rish'an Locktor and their expertise in weaponry?"

"It would be a glorious battle," The golden woman replied. "We Asura would have had a glorious battle with equally ferocious people who take their form of combat as we took our firsts. It really is too bad about the outcome. I like you, Ura, for bringing such a glorious species with you!" 

"Thank you?"

"I understand that you are confused," Gladine said. "I have a shipment of Firearms to a rebel movement that needs to be moved. They are 'freedom fighters'," the woman scoffed, "who believe that fighting against the federation should not be protecting their small planet."

So terrorists.

"This shipment is going to a Tier one Homeworld; their cause is stupid, but battle fun. I will help them battle a little better to keep the federation on their toes. In fact," Gladine looked at me, then Ura. "How are you in transporting goods, both legal and illegal?" Gladine asked, "Our companies have been getting more and more clandestine shipments needing to be done, but in this sector of space with the recent round-ups of Smugglers, there are few like you. I was pleasantly surprised to see your recommendation from our mutual acquaintance."

"Let's say I have no issues getting things onto planets; it is transporting things around afterward where issues arise," Ura replied.

"Ah, that is why you do not mind Teir one planet but not Core worlds. Is this your motto moving forward?"


"Excellent," the golden woman smiled. See, I have legitimate and clandestine businesses, and I need transportation. Transportation that," she grinned. "Has a degree of separation from my companies. Like you, I cannot hold any form of attachment to them other than using them as shipping. That way, if one of us is caught, the other has no idea about what the other was doing."

"Ah, you are looking for a transportation company that you can burn if we are caught, and they can do the same if you are caught."

"Excellent! I love a woman who understands exactly what I am getting at." The Asura said with a golden smile. "Now, I am willing to pay a little extra for protection, too. This Rish," She pointed at me, "Is an acceptable level of protection for my shipments. Not ideal, but acceptable. Do you have any plans on expanding?"

"Not unless we have a windfall of credits in the near future. Otherwise, we must pay debts," Ura replied, and the woman looked thoughtful. 

"Look, This area of space is becoming more turbulent. Many people are getting angry at the federation, and populations in tier one and two worlds are jealous of the Core worlder's wealth that they are not getting. I stand to make a lot of credits by playing both sides, but I need shipping, which, as we just discussed, can be burned if either of us is found out. You have a ship that I asked around with some of my contacts and has no known suspicion of smuggling. Seriously impressive design to get a cargo container full of contraband into a tier-one planet. So," The woman took a deep breath and looked at us, "I have an offer. I will give you a loan that I want to be paid in services. I will keep ten percent of the shipping fee as repayment to the loans till they are paid off at a five percent interest fee. You get at least two or three more ships within a year, with protection, and you can even do cargo for others. This also will be completely off the record."

"What?" Ura said, surprised. "You want to pay us to expand?"

"Look, so far, I have looked into records for smugglers; you have a clean rap sheet," She said and shrugged, "Your profits look completely legit, and that recent dry docking means you take care of your ships. I NEED Smugglers. There is no supply but a lot of demand. You Prioritize my shipping needs over others and use fast, small ships that don't get robbed; I gain more than I lose from this. I need people shipping my stuff. I can only take legit business at this moment!" 

The woman shook her head, "Do you understand how bad for business that is? That there are no criminals getting my products?" the woman complained, "My clients fight the authorities, which makes the authorities purchase my more expensive products, which makes make my other clients purchase more weaponry to fight the authorities. I have not had an illegal shipment leave in six months, which is not okay. Peace is bad for business, and my total profit is dropping. This is the opportunity for both of us to profit."

I looked at Ura, shocked, and she looked at me.

Was this deal too good to be true?

Or a trap?

"Okay," I cut in, and the Asura looked at me, "We need to discuss this without you around. How about we take the shipment and put it on our ship, with our current deal hatched out, and then we find another delivery back here to have a nice conversation about our decision? It should be no more than a week. There are many things that we need to consider, such as how we are going to hide our smuggling ships. Plausible deniability. Making sure that we can toss aside smugglers that might get caught without ourselves being burned. Something to cover us from you. All of those things."

"Are you really a Rish? I never met one who knew smuggling as much as you. But I guess I heard that enough about my species, too." Gladine smiled and turned to me. "You are right; I am getting ahead of myself. I would enjoy it if you came to me with a plan and what you want. We will make whatever money I transfer a loan paid in services."

"I think both services and credits," I said back. "I hate to say it, but if we work only for you so that we don't incur interest, then we will look like your exclusive shippers, and that will mean we cannot burn each other. We need to look like Independents from each other."

The Golden Asura smiled with bright gold teeth and turned to Ura with her light blue eyes, "I like your Rish. I hope that we will be doing business with you."

"I look forward to talking to you in the future," Ura said with a grin, but we were all thinking about different things as the Woman paid the deposit for shipping and we loaded up a highly illegal shipment of firearms and munitions for a group of people looking to make trouble.

When we finished loading the goods, Ura and I left toward our ship. We both knew a conversation would be needed.



Hey Everyone,


Just as an announcement, I have come out with an AUDIOBOOK, not for this book yet unfortunately but for one of my short stories. It is Called A Damaged Innocent Futanari Book 1 

If you are looking to read into everything about it, I have a Patreon post where you can read more into it. Here.


Also I have a new Short Story that is out! It is Called Ascension of a Hot wife, Book 1: Discovery.

Sally is a Driven Married woman with an Ambition to reach the top of her field one day as an Engineer. She has just been promoted to run the Planning department of her company, and she is finally seeing the light after being in a male-dominated company. Her life is looking up until she comes home and learns a secret her husband has been keeping from her.

Will they be able to get over this hurdle in their relationship, and will the relationship ever be the same afterward, or will it be for the better? Read and enjoy this Kinky Story.

Link here if you want to check it out!