
The tip of the mountain piercing through the ravine erupted with a cruel crimson Aether, sending tons upon tons of rocks, trees, and other detritus into the air.

Among the detritus was a rag tag group of humans, what looked to be a corpse, and a Sharovipteryx that had gone beyond its biological parameters.

When the humans looked down, seeing nothing but an incredibly deep ravine beneath their feet, they knew that if there were any time to die, it would be now. But, no one gave up.

Using the falling boulders surrounding them, they began to ascend back up.

Boulder after boulder.

Tree after tree.

So long as they saw a foothold, the humans did not give up. But as the seconds passed, things looked grim. At their current pace, they would be doomed to fall into the expansive abyss below them.