The Fog

Mikhail unscrewed the top to his waterskin, and then drank from it greedily.

He then passed it along to Azalea, who then passed it to Amir. And like that, the enchanted waterskin had been emptied yet again.

"Well, that was… Certainly a good warm up… How much distance did we cover, anyway?" Amir asked before choking on his spit.

"Not enough… I couldn't even see the end of the ravine from the top of that mountain. We need to keep moving."

Azalea sighed. "It's been two days already, and we haven't slept yet!"

Mikhail shrugged his shoulders. "Tough shit. You want to die out here or something?"

"Obviously not, you meat-head. No one would! Have you ever heard of venting one's frustration?!" Amir groaned.

"Yes, but now isn't the time for that. Let's go, damn it!"