Impending Doom

The revelation was shocking, and they wasted no time in prodding for more information.

"What, how?" Amir asked.

"Yeah, how does that work?" Azalea asked.

"Grand Elder Maya said that it was some phenomena known as a Soul Split. She… Doesn't really understand what it entails either, though."

A strange silence sat as the other two waited for Mikhail to continue the explanation.

"Well, all that I can say about it is that Michael's soul split into two for one reason or another. As for when we split, I'd have to assume it was shortly after the parole officer told me that the judge was deciding on my sentence."

Mikhail had to wonder, just for a moment at least, about what exactly that judge had decided on. Was the punishment that that judge decided on the reason he and Michael were two separate entities now?

Or did it happen later?