
"This thing here says I'm about three thousand eight hundred twenty six years old."

Kalil made the clock float over to Mikhail, turning it so he could read what it said. And indeed, that was exactly what it said, with a few days left until Kalil's birthday would come to pass.

"Wait… Wouldn't that mean you're a Sage?"

Kalil nodded.

"That I am, Mikhail. That I am. Sorry if I seem a little ditzy right now by the way, the vast majority of my concentration is on a particular law at the moment."

Mikhail had to wonder just how much concentration that entailed. An unimaginable amount from his perspective, in all likelihood.

"Got it… Say, do you know which way is North?"

Kalil nodded as the clock suddenly disappeared, and pointed back out the door.

"North is down that way. I assume you're trying to leave the Abyssal Ravine, right?"

"Abyssal Ravine? That's the name of this place?"