Heavenly Judgement

Mikhail felt his emotions churning wildly.

Guilt. Excitement. Grief. Happiness.

It was chaos.

And that chaos made the seconds drone on into an eternity.

As Azalea's heart pumped wildly as she mustered the courage, Mikhail was paralyzed by the intense and wild emotions.

"I've… I have…"

She took a deep, shaky breath.

"I want… Mikhail, I want to be your lover!"

The confession seemed to echo throughout the cave with a dramatic flare. And the chaos in Mikhail's heart grew wilder.

More intense…

Too intense.

Mikhail took a deep breath of his own, before letting out a sigh.

The chaos culminated into a sense of uncertainty.

He could. In theory, Mikhail could say yes without voicing his internal struggle. He could harbor those wildly churning emotions as Azalea remained blissfully unaware…