
"Hypoxia… Malnutrition… Muscle strains… Friction Burns… Lots and lots of burns… Core cracks… My word…"

The magical circles floating in front of Roh's eyes dissipated after a few minutes of mumbling, with a severe look of consternation.

"You two are in the worst condition I've seen recently. Your bodies are starved of Wind Aether and your cells are almost all sickly from a lack of a proper diet. Not to mention the plethora of burns all over you two."

He then pinched the bridge of his nose before focusing on Mikhail.

"Azalea here is relatively fine past that, but you, on the other hand… Mikhail, you've really gone above and beyond for the other two, haven't you?"

Mikhail could see a strange mix of pity and respect in Roh's eyes.

"...I did my best, yes."

Roh nodded, and then sighed.