
As he walked into the next area, his face was immediately slapped by a powerful gust of wind, and the light of dusk gave way to the pure white of daytime's Shimmer Aether.

Mikhail found himself outside, looking upon a gigantic tree branch that went straight ahead for a while before eventually curving up and branching out into even more branches, before obscuring the lands in the distance with the gigantic tree's thick foliage.

All across it, Mikhail could see the strange plants growing here and there.

And on top of that, he could see a few suspension bridges from his current position.

On either side of the branch he was currently on, he could see two different bridges. Four total. And all of them went off in different directions.

On the left side, there was a bridge that went straight over to the next titanic branch, its rope taut. And another bridge that led to a lower branch a fair ways away from this branch.