
Immediately, the gates on either door swung open, and the barriers on the circular doors dissipated.

After that, the slug suddenly began changing. Its skin turned black as it dried up. And then, it began to disappear from top to bottom, turning into a violet mist as it revealed the dead parasite underneath.

It had already shriveled up and dried out in the time it took for the slug to completely vanish, looking like a long and curvy twig.

However, all of them immediately noticed the shattered part of the parasite. And that was because of the eye-catching corpse that had burst out from the interior of the thing. It was a human.

But the poor bastard had been partially digested. Beneath the corpse's sticky clothes, there was no more skin, and large swathes of its muscles had disappeared. Both of its eyes were gone, and they could see the gooey mush of its partially digested brain.