Seven Paths

Save for the two who were comforting the injured, everyone got to work on dismantling the magical machine.

"Why don't you just call it a flamethrower?" Mikhail eventually said with knitted eyebrows, growing tired of listening to the group come up with ever increasing complex ways to describe the magic mechanism. No doubt they were just messing around, but he was starting to grow tired of it.

"Ah, what's the matter? You don't like how we refer to the Petrified Wood Apparatus Hiding Furious Flames Within? Are you growing tired of how we speak about the Supreme Ancient Flame Crystal Agitator? The-"

"Shut it already!" Lily angrily shouted, rubbing the bald spot on her head.

"The… Okay, fine," Yargol stammered, caught off guard by the sudden exclamation.