Ch 27: What does this elf aim for

The red troll chief threatens Xalroz and of course, seems to not care about making a response back to that warning. "Fighting a whole village all populated with you trolls doesn't look to be such a bad thing, but it is not what I came here to do."

"Oh you seem to be the overconfident one here, I would love to see with my own eyes. Anyway, what about this female who supposedly is with you, she is northern that you calm to cut off a troll's arm. I see no weapon on her body." The red troll says.

"Sannoth, would you do the honor of showing these trolls your form?" Xalroz asked as that was something she didn't think to be orderly in doing that. Not sure if it's a wish decision but Sannoth follows.

At that very moment, her human form goes away, turning into the real body that surprises all there to see and know right then what she is.

"A demon!." one of the other trolls said out loud as they were ready for a fight with her.

"Calm down, there isn't a need to be on high alert. She won't do anything unless I permit any of you to tear apart." Xalroz says it for a little fun.

"Elf what is the meaning of this demon being with you, what pact has been made between the two." The chief of the trolls kept together even when seeing a demon right in front of his eyes.

"What would you like to know? But that is not what we are here to discuss. Do you wish to listen to what we have for you?" Xalroz wants the talk to stay focused on the main topic instead of Sannoth being a demon.

"Very well go on as my question has been answered, but you better keep this demon in place," he said.

"Yes you have my word for the moment of course that can change in any second if I find our conversion to be displeasing," Xalron let that red troll know for him to get an understanding looking at this facial expression it seems he does.

"Now to get started, I bring up a fort filled with human northers. Do you know about it?"

"We pretty much keep to ourselves after seeking no more desire to fight with the north people on these lands coming to an agreement like that for peace with each other after so much blood spilled on the ground on both sides."

"Well turn out that peace means nothing anymore as one of your own is being held by these humans at that fort." When that was told the trolls inside started to erupt in speaking among each other with this news. It took their leader to bring them back down for him to speak.

"Is what you're saying to be true news from your elf." the chief had to ask in making sure before making a very important decision.

Xalroz turns back to Sannoth as she takes steps to take the spotlight."Yes, I have come to learn of these human northerners keeping a living troll in their fort. It seems there is someone who wants to gain information about your village."

The red troll was quiet for the moment taking in this information. "That explains about the ones that have been missing for days."

"Damn these northerners who give them the right to do this, they must pay for this and the troll still alive must be the chief." another troll says.

"Of course, this will be done, but first I would like to know what this elf wants from telling us this."

"Nothing right this moment let it be that you owe me a favor, one that will be asked at a later time since it is more important to take care of an important matter being a chief of your people and all."

The red troll chief looked at Xalroz feeling uneasy about not hearing this elf's favor, but time is to not be wasted trying to find out." very well then you may wait here in my village until my return after we have destroyed that fort.``

"Great to hear, I would love to explore this village at the time Sannoth will go with needing her to guide the way to the fort," Sannoth says nothing against it silently agreeing on it.

"Good, then this troll who brought you here will be your protector for having failed on his job and to keep anything from happening to you from the others if they dare to create conflict. Now if you don't mind, there are things to have ready."

Xalroz nodded his head getting the hint and took leave with Sannoth and the blue troll that had been with the two. All that was left inside were just the trolls that had been there since the beginning."Chief, do you believe the elf to be trusted even having brought this to us."

"Am not sure if it is not normal for an elf to be living among northerners or that he is giving up some of them to gain something from us. Only what this elf asks will help to give me an understanding of this one aiming goal in doing this."


[The fort upper north]

"I can't believe this shit how long must we keep doing this for." a northern man complains to another while the two walk around the fort they are tasked to live in to watch over the prisoner within.

"I agree with friends that this is a boring job to do for valgard having us keep this creature alive and kept hidden from anyone else from finding, but it is not at least all bad. We get to have some fun with the female troll thanks to being permitted by him as well." the other northern man said.

"Yeah it's been fun to fuck that blue pussy as not a of lot northern men can experience having sex with a troll it's centrally a different feeling than a normal woman, but still being in bed with one is something, I want."

"Well, hopefully soon Valgard will return to finish with the female troll as she has no intention to…."

"TROLLS! Trolls are coming this way to the fort to attack." up on the wall men posted there to keep watch yells for all other inside to hear where soon the bells began to ring.

Every man there starts to move to gather their weapon, sword, axes, and shields while those on the wall start to fire from their bows at the incoming attackers.

"What!? By the gods how it can be that trolls are around these lands did they discover about the one we have here." that northern says with fear filling his voice.

"Impossible they couldn't have known being far from them." The other responded, but there was no time for them to find the answer as the sound of the front door was being struck by two hits till the third breakthrough.

Showing a blue anger troll on the other side who completely smashed the whole wooden door for him and the rest to go through. Another one that red climbed the wall to grab one of the archers, crashing his bones by the power of this creature's strength till the body was thrown after to land wherever in this fort.

The northern men equipped themselves with their weapons and stood together holding up those shields for the enemies coming at them. The size of these creatures does make these men afraid yet they stand their ground ready and willing to fight the tall troll no matter what.