Ch 43: This can't be my life

The old slave woman said, which brought about a fearful expression that the other two saw from the young Yesenia.

"I think you scared the girl with that last one." The mature slave woman said.

"I meant living as a slave till your last breath. There have been those that have lived a full life this way by good masters and bad ones that just want to keep those in that life." The old slave woman said, trying to make it better.

"I don't want that, I'm going to get free one way or another that I swear on." Yesenia believes in that with a smug face.

The rest on the other hand think this poor girl has a lot to learn if she is to survive the harsh north.

"Well then best to work hard in trying to earn small amounts of money whenever the owners have us sell items they sold at the marketplace." The young slave woman said.

"Wait so we don't get paid." Yesenia sounded shocked about that fact.