Ch 101: An animal sense of danger

Xalroz and the bear look at each other for the next few seconds. The beast makes a small move, having its body go up into the air and let out that thunder roar from its mouth that scares off whatever is around to hear.

Bolla was ready for the fight that was about to break out. When the creature chose to attack the elf, she would act as well to make sure that he doesn't come to harm by it.

Veez is well hidden from sight unless required in having to expose herself to protect her master.

The bear looks right at Xalroz's face as he holds a serious expression when looking back at it.

"Be smart, do you truly wish to fight me knowing in that gut feeling you must be having about the outcome of your life if you dare to go forward with this," Xalroz says if the bear could understand his words.