Chapter 4) Boss Level...or not.

A sudden urge to defeat the Zombie octopuses at all cost seized Xavier. He had been belittled and mocked his whole life. Not anymore. Bruiser he could condone because he was human and scary. Zombie Octopuses? Never. He wasn't going down without a fight this time.

He let the current carry him closer till he was within reach. The Octopuses roared as one and wiggled their tentacles across the water to meet him. Against the blue backdrop of the stream, they looked like a wall of pink, boil covered monstrosities showing off their razor sharp dentition.

By the time Xavier recovered his senses and realized that this was a terrible time to go brave all of a sudden, it was already too late to turn back. A massive tentacle dropped down over his head and he ducked into the water. But the force of impact pushed him almost to the bed of the stream.

He resurfaced, panting and disoriented, only to receive a trembling blow to the chest that threw him almost out of the stream. Stars sparked in his vision and blood trickled out of his mouth. He could barely hear anything above the ringing in his ears and the roaring of the monsters.

A Zombie Octopus was coming at him very fast, it's tentacles wading easily through the water like oars. He had lost his sword in the frenzy of attacks from the monsters. He had no way to defend himself.

"Die Die Die, you scum." bellowed the Octopus, raising itself up to strike.

Xavier raised his palms up to block off his face. But instead of receiving a killing blow, he felt power surge out of his body. He heard a deafening screech afterwards. The Zombie Octopus was in flames, thrashing and moaning all over the stream. The water had no effect on the fire.

Xavier watched it for a bit, then stared at his palms in shock. "Now, that was weird. I have magical powers in here?"

He recalled that System had mention something about the Mana bar's use, and sure enough when he looked at it, he discovered it was empty. He had used the Mana to set the Zombie octopus ablaze.

With the Zombie octopuses distracted, Xavier swarm easily across the stream to the other side. He glanced back once to see the water empty and as calm as ever. The monsters had returned to their lairs, waiting for their next ignorant victim.

[You have reached Boss Level.]

"What was that? System?"

[This is the final level of your Test of Worthiness.]

Xavier smiled. He was happy to have the system again. "I thought you had gone into mute mode?"

[The Boss level allows you some assistance from the System.]

"Gee, thanks. As if I didn't require any help on the desert. How about the stream where I almost became a bunch of Zombie Octoouses' plaything?"

[System can not override the rules of the Test. The Boss level alone allows you some assistance from the system.]

"Alright, all is forgiven. What is my current stats?"

[Your status on the Simulation does not count for that of Reality.]

[HP 2/3: 4/10]

[MP 0/10]

[Strength: 0/10]

[Agility: 0/10]

[Stamina: 0/10]

[Remark: Mystic still Pathetically Disadvantaged.]

"I thought you said there were blue and red crystals I can use to replenish myself?" He looked around. "I've not come across any of that since I started."

[Life and Mana crystals have to be earned. You have not slayed any of your opponents.]

"I set that Zombie Octopus on fire!"

[The Doctipus you set ablaze did not get vanquished. They are Valor level beasts that can only be killed with weapons forged from ice.]

Xavier sighed. So all his bravado and hard work, even setting his precious life on the line, had been for nothing.

"How do I find the boss?"

[The boss dwells in the cave of the mountain on your path. To reach him, you must survive through his minions.]

"Lucky me, then. More monstrous minions for me to take down. Don't I need another weapon? I think one of the Doctipuses swallowed my sword."

[There is a weapon ten metres west of your present location. Follow the blue dot on the map. ]

Xavier obeyed reluctantly. All this walking about was making him exhausted and hungry. The growl he could hear wasn't from a wild beast but his empty stomach. He wished he had had breakfast before his life went crazy.

"What is that?" He couldn't help but ask once he reached the weapon.

[The Simulation has identified it as The Vanquisher. It can crush through everything that stands and deliver fatal blows to your opponents.]

"Doesn't all that depend on the force behind the attack? I mean the strength inside whoever wields the weapon?"


"Then that means since my strength is 0/10 it is useless in my hands?"


Xavier nodded. No hard feelings taken from the System's bluntly honest replies. "I couldn't even lift it even if I wanted to use it."

The Vanquisher was almost as long as he was tall, with a huge round head that had spikes growing from it. It's handle was thick and tough with polished grippers and engraved markings. The club looked too big and majestic, what with the way it glistened like diamonds under the sun light.

"Can't you find something a little smaller?"

Five minutes later, he was back on the path with a weapon in his hand. Twin serrated daggers made from tamed silver. Although they had no glorious name or title, they felt just right and weighed next to nothing.

He was no longer surrounded by desert land. This level was some sort of tropical forest with tall trees bearing leaves of different colours. Battling with the trees for space were small rock boulders covered in green algae. The ground was mushy and covered in soggy leaves.

[Alert Mystic: A minion approaches.]

Xavier quickly drew out the daggers and took up what he hoped was a defensive stance. A dull ache started in his stomach as he cast his eyes around. "Where is it?" Why waste his time looking at the map when he could simply get a specific answer from the System?

[They are behind you now.]

"They?" He turned around to see said minions shrugging out from behind a boulder. There was two of them. If he was asked to describe them, he would've called them strange because they looked like trolls in armors of steel. Picture large ugly heads with twisted noses and wide toothless mouths, a physic made huge and broad with pure muscle, and sturdy arms gripping weapons as huge as The Vanquisher.

Xavier Xerxes did the only reasonable and wise thing he could think of. He fled.

"When you said minion, I was picturing something small!" He screamed.

[Mystics do not flee in the face of intimidating enemies. They stand firm and battle it out till victory is won.]

"Tell me about it after I survive this crazy test!"

The minions were right behind him, pounding loudly as they hastened to capture him.

Xavier's breath was quick to come off in puffs because he was nothing near physically fit. He had barely started running when all strength left him and he promtly tripped over a fallen branch, dropped down with a grunt and rolled unceremoniously down into the bushes.

The minions closed in on him without delay. They said nothing as they met him on the ground. He guessed they were too evil to chat like the other monsters in the simulation.

"Eh...system, what am I supposed to do now?" asked Xavier as he stood up and backed away slowly. The minions kept pace with every move he made, their lidless eyes boring through him.

[You must defeat your opponents to gain points that determine your rank.]

"I don't see that happening any time...oh my goodness!"

He threw himself to the ground as a blow aimed at his head swept over him. He kicked out his legs and managed to catch one of them on the knee. The minion lost its footing and fell forward...right on top the dagger standing tip up in Xavier's right hand.

Xavier stared in shock as green blood spilled out from the gaping hope in the minion's neck.

It crumpled to the ground and vanished. A blue crystal as big as the smallest boulder appeared where the minion once stood.

"A blue crystal!" He said in excitement. The next thing he saw was the butt end of the other minion's club. He had been distracted for a second, and that was enough for the remaining minion to kill him.

Xavier materialized with the same weird sensation on his body as the last time. He was back on the path. Neither the minion nor the crystal he had earned was in sight.

"I lost it!" He moaned in frustration, before smiling despite it. He, Xavier Xerxes, had managed to vanquish one of his opponents. Yes, it had been an accident and not due to anything heroic on his part, but it was a small victory all the same.

[You have just one trial life left, Mystic.]

"I'm aware of that, System. Didn't you see what I did back there?" He paused to think about it. "Wait a minute, can you see or hear stuff?"

[The System exists inside you and experiences everything you do.]

"Everything?" That sounded extra weird and creepy to his ears.

[You have reached the Boss level. Prepare to Die.]

"Thanks so much for the vote of confidence, System."

The mountain appeared out of nowhere to cover the entire world before him. It was rocky and green with a certain ancientness to it. It rose up into dark storm clouds overhead. There was an eerie air about the mountain that screamed at him to run away and never, ever look back.

The cave entrance was jagged to the point of looking like the gaping mouth of a hillside beast.

Xavier used the hem of his shirt to cover his nose, frowning in disgust. "It smells like something died in here and forgot to decay properly."

[That's the scent of evil creatures lurking inside the mountain.]

"But yet I'm going inside like the hero I am." He sighed but didn't halt in his steps. He had made it all the way to the boss level, which was three levels more than he had thought was possible for him. He was scared to bits but there was no way but forward.

A mighty roar echoed through the hollows of the cave and shook the very foundation of the mountain. Xavier had to hug the wall to prevent himself from falling due to the vibration.

"What was that?"

[The Boss of the Test of Worthiness. He is called the Mystic Brutalizer.]

Xavier shuddered. "I have a really bad feeling about this."