Chapter 6) The Strange Stranger.

"Did I pass the Test of Worthiness?"

[System is processing your test performance and would release a detailed result in sixty seconds.]

Xavier held his breath expectantly for what seemed like forever. He had mixed feelings about what kind of outcome he wanted from the test.

On one hand, he was excited about the prospect of getting away from his boring, embarrassing life and begining a new on at Celestial academy. The thrill of the simulation still ran through his veins like a hyper drug. For the first time in his life, he felt alive. The test had been frightening, but he had gone through it. Him, Xavier Xerxes, was a fighter now.

But there was that part of him that was scared of the change that would surely come. Would he be able to survive the academy? What did he have to offer as a Mystic when he couldn't even face his bullies?

What about his difference, the one his very skin and eyes didn't fail to hide?

He rolled out of bed to stand in front of the mirror in his bathroom.

"I look like an alien." He said wearily. "An ugly looking one for that matter." Forget the straight nose, long thin lashes and high cheekbones. No one looked close enough to see him properly.

There was no changing it. No matter where he went, he would forever be Ghost boy. The strange boy with white skin, big pink eyes and no ounce of muscle at all. Pathetic.

Wasn't he better off here even with the insults and hate from others? At least he could always hide in his room when the oppression got too much.

Thinking of which, the result processing was taking too long.

"System? Isn't sixty seconds up already?"

[Your Performance in the Test of Worthiness is still processing....]

Xavier sighed in frustration. He wanted to get it done and over with now, rather than staying nervous for long. But he didn't see any way to speed up the process, so he said nothing. The growl from his stomach reminded him that he had not had anything to eat since last night.

"I'm going downstairs to get food...?"

The system kept silent. Xavier blushed in embarrassment and hastened out of the room before he made matters worse. The system was already fed up with him. Imagine it existing inside him for the rest of his miserable life.

He found the house quiet and empty. Aunt Fiona must've taken the boys to the Aqua park so they could burn off at least an ounce of their excess energy before nightfall. Considering how loud the house usually was at night, Xavier doubted if that strategy actually worked.

From the refrigerator, he poured cereal into a bowl and topped it off with milk cream. Taking a few slices of bread from the toaster, he settled down at the table with his smartphone. It was an old model that was way behind those that his mates at school used. The thing barely even worked nowadays but he could still use it to watch videos on Weta network.

He had just swallowed the first spoonful before the voice of the system spoke into his mind.

[Processing of Result complete.]

Xavier's stomach dropped. ", let's hear it then. How good did I do in the test?"

[Test of Worthiness Result for Mystic, Xavier Xerxes.]

[Enemies Vanquished: 1/50.]

[Survival Points: 5/50]

[Battle Points: 10/50]

[Mana Crystals Retrieved: 0]

[Life Crystals Retrieved: 0]

[Lives Consumed: 3/3]

[Duration of Test: 2 hours, forty five minutes and twelve seconds.]

[Accomplishments: 1) Destroyed a Minion by Mistake.]

[Total Test Score: 15/100]

[Mystic's Rank:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

[System Remark: A very poor performance. Mystic is advised to launch the Self Destruct sequence.]

"Just 15 points?" He said in disbelief. "After everything I went through in there? How do you guys even grade this thing? It doesn't add up to me."

He looked closely at the display before something caught his attention. Something really wrong.

"Why is the place for rank empty, system? Isn't that the whole point of the rigged test?"

[System cannot come up with a certain explanation for why Mystic does not have a rank. All 100 ranks have been accurately distributed amongst Mystics already.]

Xavier didn't understand what that meant or how that could have happened. He was one of the 100, wasn't he? And yet he had no rank. Was that a good or a bad thing?

He frowned in thought. "What does that mean? I'm not a Mystic and won't have to attend the Academy?"

[System has no answer for such a question. All 100 Mystics always get their ranks.]

"Does that mean that my case is..." Xavier trailer off as a jingling tone ran through the house. It took him a while to realize that it was the sound of the front door's keypad signalling that someone was at the door.

This was a surprise because, thanks to Xavier's strange presence in the house, they didn't get many visitors. None at all for the last few years.

He tiptoed towards the door and peeped through the spy screen camera. All he could see was the backside of a tall man in suite. No, not a suite. It was a white coat that flayed down around his long legs. Add long black hair and a slender, straight body frame, and you have the mysterious man on the doorstep.

"It would be best if you opened the door."

Xavier jumped. Was the man talking to him? How did the man know he was here?

"Yes, I'm talking to you, the young man hiding behind the door." said the man, laughter in his voice. He was still facing away from the house. "And a good Mystic of the Astral level should be able to tell when he has caught the attention of a possible friend or foe. Stop wasting time. Your cereal breakfast is getting cold and soggy."

With trembling hands, Xavier unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"Eh... Hello? Sir?"

The man turned around with a smile on his smooth, ageless face. He had thick white eyebrows and goatee. The front of his coat had golden lapels and gold strings along the breeches and hems. He looked proper and wealthy. Out of the world Xavier knew.

He stared hard at Xavier, as if boring into his soul. Xavier felt uneasy under such scrutiny. People looked at him always but no one had so openly looked at him so strongly, as if shifting through hidden chambers in his heart.

"This is strange." said the man finally.

Xavier stifled a sigh of frustration. It always, always came down to one thing...his strange appearance.

"I know I don't look normal but–"

"What's wrong with your appearance?" There was an odd sincerity in the man's voice.

Xavier was both surprised and confused. Wasn't the wrongness obvious?

The man smiled again. "I wasn't talking about your looks, which by the way, is as perfect as can possibly be. The fact that you are unique doesn't mean you are wrong. I meant that the whole situation is strange. It has never happened before." He glanced over Xavier's shoulder into the house. "Your Aunt left some pie for you in the oven. Why did you choose to eat cereal rather than those?"

And before Xavier could get over his shock of what the man had said and the quick change of topic to say something, the man had already disappeared into the house.

"What a nice place you've got here." said the man, looking around amiably. The way he walked was elegant and measured, no rush or excessive energy to it.

Xavier followed after him almost tripping on a discarded toy horse. "I'm sorry...but who are you again?"

"I am Kim Sao Chen, an Astral Level Mystic from Celestial Academy. I've been tasked with retrieving you from your mundane life and into the thrill and adventures of Mysticism." He paused in front of the oven and sniffed dramatically. "Can I have some of that pie? I hate to see delicious food go to waste."

"Eh...sure." What else could he say?

Kim Sao rubber his palms together in delight before reaching for a plate to scoop the pies into. He easily located milk from the fridge and sat himself at the dining table. He seemed so at home and free in the kitchen that it was almost normal.

He moaned in pleasure as he took a bite of the pie. "This is so nice. Remind me to compliment your Aunt about it later. Are you sure you don't want some?"

"Yes...I mean, No. I'm ok." Xavier didn't know what to do with himself now. What was even going on? There was a strange Mystic wolfing down his Aunt's homemade apple pie like it was something that happened every other day. Someone pinch him already.

Kim Sao looked up at him. "Carry on with your breakfast then. Your Aunt would be home with the boys in a few seconds. Only then would we get down to matters of importance."

Xavier didn't feel like eating anymore, so he just sat down and tried not to watch the man as he ate.

"You are from the academy?" He asked after just a few seconds.

Kim Sao chuckled. "I said so already. I have my ID card here in case you want to verify."

"No...there's no need." said Xavier quickly. He tried to keep his mouth shut after that but couldn't hold his questions in for long. "Eh... Sir?"

"No Sir bullshit for me, or any Mystic at the Academy for that matter. You can call me Master Kim Sao or nothing at all." He pushed his plate aside and took a long drink from his milk cup. "That was refreshing." He patted his still flat and narrow stomach. "Now, I know you have lots of questions you are itching to ask. I promise to answer them to the best of my knowledge. First though, there's something important you must know. Ask me what it is."

Xavier narrowed his eyes bit complied anyway. "What must I know?"

"Xavier Xerxes, the fact that you are one of the 100 Mystics of this year is the strangest thing that has ever happened on Lazuli."

"I don't understand..." What was there to even understand. He was new to the whole mystic business and so was unaware of what could be called normal or strange.

Master Kim Sao's eyes never moved away from his face.

"I won't tell you why that is. It's best if you find out by yourself and experience the draw backs as you go. But know one thing." He paused for emphasis. "You have a very tough road ahead of you. If you can survive through it, then you would be unstoppable."

Xavier didn't know what to say to that. The life of a Mystic was hard and unpredictable, that he knew. But what he had just heard made it sound as though his case was even worse, uniquely so for reasons he didn't know.

Just then, footfalls and cries sounded on the front yard and Master Kim Sao rose to his feet, excitement all over his face once again.

"That should be your Aunt and the boys. I can't wait to meet all of them."