Kim Sao Chen brushed off leaves and twigs from his coat as he scrambled out from the nest of vines, thorns and bushes he had fallen into. As a Mystic of the Unicorn lotus, he should've been able to harness the wind to keep them in the air after the attack. But the onslaught of huge boulders had come at them out of nowhere and suddenly.
Faster than any eye could follow, the boulders had shot towards them from one of the mountains and struck Elsa badly. She must've seen them coming and, like the brave creature she was, chosen to bear the attack instead. The snow peacock should be injured or in a far worse state.
Strangely enough, after slamming into them the boulders had turned into a thick band of soil to wrap around Elsa's legs and dragged her down forcefully. It was about that time that Kim Sao had been separated from her. The last he saw of Elsa, she was being dragged away by the sand mist.