CHAPTER 14: Log in part 3


I open my eyes. What I see is the character creation space just like it was described in the novel. " Welcome player to AKO's character creation menu. I am your guide Malin nice to meet you," I hear a voice coming from a direction. I look in that direction and I see her. Malin looks just the same as she was described in the novel. I am not sure if she is a clone or not, but I decide to respond normally. " Hey I'm David it's nice to meet you" Malin smiles at my words. Unlike what the people of Ethan believe. I know that everyone in this game is real. It's best to treat them normally. Don't act too respectful or too prideful. That only works on some of these NPCs.

" I like your name player. Do you wish to save David as your player name?" Malin asks me politely. I'm starting to like her personality. In the novel, it was said that she was like this. Nice and cheerful. " Yes, please I want my name to stay as David " I reply to her. Her smile widens. " Welcome David, your name has been saved, Please select your class" As Malin says this, the large character creation screen displays all the available classes. It is just like in the novel. They are 5 class paths. Mage, warrior, support, weapon masters, and auxiliary class paths. Each path has advantages and disadvantages.

Unfortunately, Arcane kings online is not a fair game where all classes are equal. Just like the name suggests the strongest class path is the mage path which will lead you to become an Arcane king. The mage path has the highest amount of skills of all tiers and grades. They have the highest number of hidden classes and their skills deal the most damage. Whether it is singly target skills or AOE[ area of effect] skill mages are the kings of AKO. Do you guys want to know what I think of the mage class? It's absolutely Bullshit. It's not that mages are weak. They are very powerful. I just think that they suck. Mages have awesome magic powers.

But they are just glass canons. They have awesome firepower but their defense is shit. What's the point of dealing damage if you can't take any? I prefer to be a hybrid of a mage and a warrior. If someone had to ask you to take Doctor Strange's powers or Superman's, who would you choose? I know I would choose superman. Unfortunately, hybrid classes only appear at level 50 tier 1. " I don't want a class for now," I say to Malin. "Are you sure?" She asks me in confusion. " Yes, I am" I reply. I know of another path to create my own class. One of the main character's friends decided to take a classless road.

If you keep going until you reach level 150. The System will generate a class based on all your abilities and the journey you have experienced to reach level 150. Unfortunately, that person couldn't stay on that path for long. He gave up at level 50 and received a platinum grade class. Classes are divided into grades. From lowest to highest is non-ranked, iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, epic, legendary, mythic, demi god, god, and divine. I choose not to take a class now so that I may receive a better class later on. " Ok, your request has been accepted. David do you want to edit your appearance or must it remain the same" Malin says.

" I want to edit," I tell her. I decide to change my appearance as much as possible. The game allows us to change our appearance by 10%. I make my hair bright red with blue tips. I change my facial shape a little. " All preparations are ready you will now be sent to a random beginner village in the kingdom of Zahey. A teleportation circle appears beneath me. I prepare myself to be teleported. " Wait!" I hear Malin's voice. But it comes from behind me and Malin is in front of me. I turn and I see a portal. From the portal 5 women walk out. I lose the ability to breathe just by looking at them. I instinctively use my special ability. All their information enters my brain.

I finally regain my senses and I can think. It's the sisters of fate, the goddess of order and light, and that's the real Malin. In the novel, they were described as beauties beyond description. That statement was absolutely right. "What's wrong me? why did you stop the transfer and why are these cows here?" the clone of Malin I have been with says. I can tell she's not happy seeing these guests. The real Malin floats over and she says. " I'm sorry me. Ada asked for a favor and I couldn't say no" with a flash of light both Malin's fuse with each other. She turns to me and scans me up and down. " Now I understand why these cows want you soo much. You have a disgusting amount of luck" Malin says.

I want to ask her what's going on but two goddesses appear beside me. It's Lachesis and Tyche. " Hey David, we finally meet," Lachesis says with a smile. Her gold eyes glow brightly. "Sniff!" I turn to my left and I see Tyche smelling my neck. I can feel the blood in my body boil. Isn't this a little bit too much for a first meeting? She stops and looks at me with her silver eyes. " It really is you," Tyche says with a calm voice. " Can someone tell me what's going on? Why are there so many goddesses here? Why is a god here in the first place?" I say out loud. " Oh! you know who we are," Lachesis says with curiosity.

I stare at the other goddesses who are a few meters away. Ada the goddess of order and light is hugging Alakshmi. I think she's stopping Alakshmi from looking at me. I have read about all her powers. I would like to see her face but I like being alive. So I won't do that. " Yes, I know all of you. I have some special methods" I say cryptically. " I see. It does not matter what you are. David Ford I and my sisters have a request for you." Tyche says. I look at her in confusion. What would a goddess need from me? Tyche and Lachesis say some at the same time. " Please be our champion," hearing these words I am dumbfounded.

This is crazy. I haven't even logged into the game and I have an opportunity to gain a blessing. This is not right. Why would the goddess of fate Lachesis and the goddess of luck Tyche want to make me their champion? Wait are they attracted by my luck? I have the luck I made with those wishes. " Why do you want me to be your champion?" I ask full of curiosity. Lachesis smiles and says. " Your soul has soo much luck. It glows soo brightly we noticed you from the other side of the 5th realm. Your soul is also unique. It's not from this universe. We want to take action before someone else gets to you first," Now I finally understand.

I am not surprised that they can see my soul and tell it's not from this universe. " I see. I don't mind, go ahead and give me your blessing" I say with excitement in my voice. Lachesis and Tyche both move and stand in front of me. They raise their hands. One drop of golden blood leaves each of their index fingers. " David Ford, do you accept my blessing and vow to be my champion?" They both say at the same time. " I accept," I say. With my consent, the drops of blood rash into my body and disappears. I actually felt nothing. " Is that all?" I ask in confusion. " Don't worry once you leave this space you will feel the blessings effect," Tyche says.

"The only one left is Alakshmi," I hear Ada speak for the first time. Hearing those words a shiver runs down my spine. "Are you crazy!" I shout with shock and fear. I saw Alakshmi's body tremble at my words. I felt guilt hit me like a train. They all look at me with pleading eyes. " David I don't know how, but I can guess from your reaction that you know what Alaksmis blessing can do," Lachesis says gently to me. " I know what we are asking of you is crazy. But please we beg of you to give it a try. We will protect you so you don't get too injured." Tyche says with a low voice. I look at these women. I don't hate Alakshmi or anything. In fact, she is one of my favorite characters in the novel.

I know the risk of taking Alakshmi's blessing. She is the goddess of bad luck and catastrophes. She is called the mistress of misfortune for a reason. Accepting her blessing is the same as accepting every curse in existence. The consequences of her blessing me are worse than death. My very existence will be devoured by curses. I will die and be tormented for eternity. My soul will be destroyed and healed over and over again until I cease to exist. I like her but I'm not stupid. They all keep trying to persuade me by saying they will protect me. But I know that is a lie. Nobody can interfere with a blessing not even gods.

I look at Ada. She has been quiet and has not tried to persuade me. I stare at her eyes, they are calm and understanding. I realize that she knows I know the truth. I look at Alakshmi who is hiding her face in Ada's chest. They have said my luck is enough to survive but I'm not sure. Alakshmi has always wished to have a champion. That way she will have a person truly connected to her. Why am I soo weak for the girls? I know her story. She hates her powers. Even though she has made 2 sisters and a mother. She always has a fear that they will abandon her one day.

I guess even gods have self-esteem issues. Her greatest wish is to have someone connected to her. Gods can't accept blessings from other gods as their divinity will reject them. While the mortals or demigods that she has blessed before have all died. " Shout up!" I shout and they all keep quiet. " Fine, I'll try. But you have to answer one question of mine honestly. Your answer will determine whether or not I will go through with this" Tyche and Lachesis look at each other before answering. " We will be honest." hearing their answer I ask my question. " How much luck do I have compared to Tyche" Tyche makes a serious expression and she answers.

" I would say you have half as much as me," Tyche says. I take in a deep breath. " Ok, let's do this," I say as I walk toward Alakshmi. I am not an Idiot. I am kind but not stupid. The reason I'm doing something so dangerous is because of my special ability. While looking at Alakshmi I found a way. The first condition is that my soul must have no affinity or attachment with any laws that are not related to luck. The second is that I need to have as much as half the amount of luck an Origin God of luck has. Honestly, it's still a risk but even if it fails. Because I meet these requirements I won't die. I will lose all my luck, but at least I won't die.

The gains outweigh the losses, so I will make this bet. I stand in front of Alakshmi as Ada stares at me with serious eyes. " I'm ready," I say. Alakshmi turns to me her eyes still closed. " Are you sure?" Alakshmi asks with a trembling voice. " I'm sure," I say as calmly as I can. She opens her eyes. A flash of black and green appears. I felt thousands of hands grab me. I am facing death. Although these hands try to grab me, they all lack strength. I stare at Alakshmi's beautiful green eyes. I can see everyone making happy expressions seeing that I'm not dead." Are you not scared" Alakshmi asks. " Of course I am. I'm terrified" I say with a smile. She also smiles at my words. " David Ford do you accept my blessing and vow to be my champion," Alakshmi says. " I accept" I respond. A golden drop of blood enters my body.

My vision goes black. I suddenly begin to see countless nightmarish scenes. I hear millions of voices cursing at me or someone else. I don't know how long I have been stuck here but soon I see a bright light. I don't hesitate and head toward the light. " Haaaa!" I take a deep breath as I find myself back in the character creation zone. " His alive!" I hear 2 voices screaming. Lachesis and Malin are staring at me in disbelief. Tyche is smiling at me. I look at Alakshmi. She is crying while on her knees. I move toward her and stretch out my hand as I say. " Don't cry my goddess, your champion is here"

She grabs my hand and I pull her up. "Finally...I thought this day would never come" Alakshmi says with tears in her eyes. " Kid you're actually still here. I can't believe it. I thought for sure that you would die" Malin appears near us and says. " Don't be so rude they were having a moment" Tyche says with slight irritation. " I guess that means you are all done here. Now everyone leave! except for Ada," Malin says. " I guess it's time for us to leave. Let's go girls" Ada says and a portal opens. " Mom can't I stay with him a little longer?" Alakshmi and Lachesis say at the same time. " No girls it's time to go," Ada says and begins walking. They all begin walking although reluctantly.

" Wait, miss Ada. I have something to ask you" I say out loud. Ada turns to me and stares at me seriously. I decide to just ask straightforwardly. But Ada speaks before I do. " Although you have 3 blessings your soul still has space for at most 2 more. I can give you my blessing. But do you know the consequences?" I am stunned for a second but I answer " Yes I know and I'm ready" I say with confidence. I would never miss the opportunity to have the blessing of The strongest goddess in this universe, " I see" Ada says and flicks her finger before I can react.

A golden drop of blood enters my body. She turns to leave but I stop her again. " I have one last thing to ask. Can you call the beast god here" I say. She looks at me in surprise. " Why the beast god ?" She asks. " I know something he will be happy to hear. " I see," She says and they all leave through the portal. I am left with Malin feeling awkward. " Does that mean a yes or no?" I ask Malin. " How am I supposed to know?" Malin says. Suddenly a new portal appears. " Buzz!" a powerful aura hits me and my body is sent flying.