CHAPTER 19: AKO's most wanted

David observes his surroundings. In front of him is a beautiful priestess who doesn't act very holy. David realizes that she is tier 5 lvl 250, she must have recently broken through. Around him are 5 men and women in mage robes. All of them are at tier 6. The lowest is lvl 315 and the highest is lvl 345. All of them have gold-grade classes and the princess has a platinum-grade class. David realizes that this situation is bad. Any of these 6 people is strong enough to kill him. He's not scared of dying.

It's just that there is a certain achievement given to players for every 10 days they stay alive after the first login. AKO does not allow multiple accounts or an account reset without some specific items. David looks at the walls of the big hall. These 6 people may be powerful But the real threats are the guards at the walls of the hall. "Do you have anything to say for yourself before you die?" Maria says in contempt. David stares at her with curious eyes. Maria feels strangely uncomfortable under his gaze. She got a feeling that David can see all her secrets with those eyes of his.

She isn't wrong and David was doing just that. Maria is one of the few side characters that was introduced into the novel only to suffer. In the novel, 'AKO' Maria is one of the 12 holy priestess class members of the church of light. This class is very powerful even among platinum-grade classes. It is especially powerful against abyss-type creatures and demons.

Unfortunately for her 3 months, after the game's release. She caught the eye of a powerful tier 5 Demon noble that snuck into the human kingdom for fun. With her sharp senses, she found the man's true identity and tried to kill him.

Too bad for her, that demon was a noble and as such possessed incredible power. Long story short she got herself kidnapped and all her guards except the women were killed. That demon proceeded to violate Marai and her female guards for the following 2 weeks. I won't go into the graphic details. But what he did to her was hentai-level shit, with tentacles included. By the end of the 2 weeks, she had been fully trained into that demon's personal sex slave. Honestly, David felt pity for her but he knows that she deserved it.

This woman is evil. Especially if it involves anyone that is not human. She believes humans are the strongest and purest of all races. She considers every other race as evil and filthy. Due to her work as a priestess, she has been in contact with many different types of people including some from other races. Everyone that was not killed on sight is captured by her and tortured. She is a sadist of the highest level. She truly enjoys and finds pleasure in seeing people in pain. " Why is a person of such status doing in a village?

I don't believe that you a princess enjoy being surrounded by commoners all day. Please enlighten me," David says calmly as he continues to pay attention to his surroundings. Maria's face turns ugly as she hears David's words. " When you talk to me. Lowly creatures like you must be on their knees and never look at me. Now kneel!" Maria says. " David looks at her in confusion. " You did not actually expect me to do that...right," David says. Hearing his words Maria frowns. She felt anger rise in her heart. A creature she considers less than an insect dared to mock her.

Her blood began to boil. She looks at David. She has already decided that he will be her new project. She already began imagining David crying and begging for his life as she would castrate him and regrow his manhood over and over again. David instantly feels a shiver run down his spine. He looks into Maria's eyes and all he sees is cruelty. David smells the air and focuses his hearing. His chances of escaping are very low. Not because of Maria and her gang. The true threats are the armored soldiers around the hall's walls.

David catches their scent and hears their bodily noises. 'Those guys are definitely not humans. A human's heartbeat is not that strong.' David thinks to himself as his ears are filled with the sound of powerful beats. " Make him know his place," Maria says coldly. The 5 mages around her all raise their hands. A golden light emits from their hands. Various magic circles appear on the walls of the hall. All of them emit light elemental mana. David senses quickly catches on to this. Due to the effect of energy sense and his trait of beast instincts.

David's perception stat is actually the highest out of all his other stats. He notices their action the very moment they started to circulate their mana. David braces himself for whatever spell has been activated. After a few seconds, nothing happens. David looks at the mages in confusion. Maria begins to feel irritated. "What are you doing? I said, make him know his place," Maria says as she tries to remain calm. The mages begin to pour more mana into the magic circles. This makes the circles glow much brighter.

David instantly feels the effects of the spell. He feels a certain type of mana inside his body being suppressed. David focuses on this discovery.

He is curious at how he had never sensed this mana inside him before. Soon he gains control of this new mana and he realizes what it is. ' This is abyssal mana' David thinks to himself. He turns his gaze to the magic circles on the walls. Using his special power all the information about the magic circles and this temple enters his brain. Very quickly he finds all the secrets to this temple including the effects of the spell currently in use. With an amused smile, David stares at Maria and her team. All of them look embarrassed. They are confused by this situation.

They are confused as to why David is not screaming in agony right now. " Is that it?... Are you guys done?" the room turns silent. Maria's face goes red with shame. "Cut all his limbs, NOW!" Maria shouts in anger. At first, she wanted to use the holy light domain to cause David immense pain. That spell has the effect of suppressing all demon-type creatures and causing them extreme pain as they are burnt from the inside out. Unfortunately for her David is a mutant. The mages instantly change their mana circulation.

David patiently waits for his plan to begin. As the mages suddenly change their mana circulation. It causes them to experience a backlash. The mages are shocked at how they had made such a novice mistake. This left them paralyzed with some level of internal damage done to their bodies. That was not the end of their bad luck. Due to the abrupt stop of the 'Holy light domain,' the temple's magic circuits went into chaos. " What's happening?" Maria asks as she notices the unusual reaction of the temple's defense system.

" Boom!, boom! boom!" multiple explosions occur around the temple. All the magic circles in the temple explode due to a system failure. Everyone is hit. Maria and her team. The guards on the walls were especially hit hard because of how close they were to the walls that had the magic circles engraved on them." Swoosh!" with a quick dash David instantly escapes through a hole that formed in a wall. Within a few seconds, our hero has successfully escaped. Jumping from building to building David heads for the village exit. You may be wondering how did David know all those things would happen.

The truth is that he didn't know that they would happen but at the same time, he did know they would happen. For you to fully understand David's actions you would have to know David's traits. Every race has its traits. The stronger the race, the stronger their traits and the more traits they will have. The human race has 3 traits.

Class ascension: this trait allows the user to obtain a class irrespective of its grade as long as the conditions to wield the class are met[exclusive to the human race]( This is the human race's pride and joy. This class is what has allowed them to be considered one of the top races on Gai)

Strength in numbers: once 10 creatures of the same race fight against a common enemy, their PATK and MATK increase by 1% to a max of 200%.(Unfortunately, humans don't like talking about this trait. Because this trait is one possessed by all weak creatures in the world. One example is creatures like goblins)

Mathematical mind: increases the user's brain processing speed by 10%

These are the traits all humans have including David. Next are the traits David got after he became a werewolf. Due to David's mutation not being complete he only has the common werewolf traits. Once the mutation is complete more will emerge.

Werewolf sense of smell: Werewolves have a magical sense of smell. They can smell living creatures, types of mana, and the strength of a creature and they can smell lies. Depending on how much they improve on this trait they may gain the ability to smell much more.

Beast instincts: The user of this trait gains a boost of 200% to their perception(PCT) stat.

One with the pack: When a werewolf is in a pack. Within 300 meters radius for every additional werewolf present the user's STR/AGI increases by 10% to a maximum of 250%

Regeneration: natural HP regeneration is increased by 200%

Warrior of the moon: if a moon is in the sky above a werewolf all stats are increased by 50%. No covering can stop this effect.

Berserk: Once HP reduces to 20% they enter a berserk state. All stats are increased by 100%. The user may lose control of themselves due to this trait. If there is a full moon in the sky a werewolf will go into berserk mode.

Super hearing: A werewolf has a sense of hearing just as good as monsters of the same life grade

Lastly, we have the traits he gained from being a champion. Unfortunately, the majority of them are locked and the ones he has access to are weakened because David is too weak to handle them.

Loved by lady luck[ weakened]: Good things will happen to the user more often and toward the people the user cares about as their luck will increase by +50.

Loved by the mistress of misfortune[weakened]: All enemies have their luck increased by negative 50.

With the effects of 'Loved by the mistress of misfortune', David is a literal disaster for anyone he considers an enemy without him needing to do much. Unfortunately due to its weakened state. Its activation is random. But once it does activate, David can sense it instinctively and know its effects.


Back at the temple. Just as David had left. The whole place has been destroyed. Maria and all her team members are injured. Maria screams in rage. Find him and bring him to me. Use any means necessary, but bring him back alive. At the place where the great hall's walls once stood. The armored soldiers can be seen. Not even a scratch can be seen on them. " Swoosh!" the soldiers disappear from their spots as if they were never there in the first place. Maria opens her system interface and places a Kingdom-wide quest for the other worlders known as players. She makes sure to put some extra precautions. She got the feeling that David was very unusual.

Soon every player within the Zahey kingdom saw a system announcement. [Emergency quest: Brave players of Zahey. Our territory has been infiltrated by the demons. A player has gone over to their side and has attacked the Holy priestess of the church of light. Please assist the kingdom in finding this traitor. If you can capture this player and hand him over to the church. You will be rewarded handsomely.] This announcement was repeated 3 times. The players went crazy and instantly began a manhunt. A picture of David in his blues mana disguise was released through the quest.