Pocket Space

Mei Shu was completely defeated by his pitiful look.

One had to admit that a good-looking man acting like a helpless child was quite impactful.

Naturally, she couldn't sit in a stranger's car with him, so she found a bench in a nearby park and sat down with him.

Lu Si immediately took advantage of the opportunity, resting his head on her lap and hugging her waist, pleading incessantly, "Sister, please tell me a story. Little baby will obediently go to sleep."

His warm breath spread across her abdomen.

Considering it was summer and she was wearing thin clothes, the warmth infused with a distinctly masculine scent touched her body, causing Mei Shu to freeze momentarily. She quickly pushed him away and moved her body back a little.

Fortunately, Lu Si didn't persist in clinging to her.

Mei Shu breathed a sigh of relief and slowly began to tell the stories her mother used to tell her before bedtime.