Avenge the School Goddess

Wen Miao was startled and took a big step back, accidentally bumping her waist against the desk behind her, which made her groan in pain.

Mei Shu thought she might have accidentally touched an innocent classmate and quickly turned around to check, only to see Wen Miao grimacing in pain.

"Hurt your waist?" Mei Shu frowned and went over to check.

Wen Miao quickly waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I was just careless."

"A girl's waist injury is no joke. I should still accompany you to the medical room for a check-up." Mei Shu was about to support her to leave but stopped when she noticed Wen Miao's pale face. "Can't walk?"

"It seems so." Wen Miao gasped and even her voice trembled.

Her waist had hit the corner of the table just right, causing half of her body to go numb. Every step she took, it felt like a needle was stabbing her back, making it impossible for her to walk to the medical room. The pain was unbearable.