Mastering High Technology

In the afternoon, Lu Yan had already informed the most skilled hacker in the Lu family, S, to wait for him at home.

At this moment, S was playing games in the study. When Lu Yan entered, he quickly took off his headphones. He looked like a young man who looked barely twenty years old. "Young Master is back. What do you want to investigate? Let's start now."

Lu Yan first led Mei Shu to sit on the nearby sofa and then calmly said, "Retrieve the surveillance footage from last night in the corridor outside the grade director's office in our school."

"Is that all?" S widened his eyes in astonishment, but seeing Lu Yan's serious expression, he didn't say anything else. He turned off the game and quickly hacked into the school's surveillance system.

"Oh, the surveillance has been deleted!" S smirked confidently. "No big deal, I can fix it in a minute!"