Praise from the Bigshot

Seeing Zhou Liang's arrival, the butler finally found support. He hurriedly ran up to Zhou Liang, wearing a mournful expression, and complained, "It's Master Si who wanted to fish here. I didn't dare to refuse, so I had to find fishing rods for them to play with. But I never expected that they would actually catch all three of your white dragonfish!"

When the maid came to report to him earlier, there was only one fish caught!

Zhou Liang was so angry that his eyes widened, but he still restrained himself considering Lu Si's long-standing prestige. He suppressed his anger and went in front of Mei Shu before finally venting his frustrations, "Miss Mei Shu, you are a guest in my Zhou family, but isn't it a bit too much to fish in my pond?"

Innocently, Mei Shu turned her head to look, and the fish in her hand slipped out and made a splash as it jumped into the bucket, splashing water on Zhou Liang's pants.

Zhou Liang was instantly furious.