Scheme Exposed

Wang Yue stuttered and couldn't say a word, sweating profusely in anxiety.

Mei Mu hadn't fully understood the situation yet, but seeing her mother's distress, she wanted to help. "Mom, are you feeling unwell? Maybe I should accompany you upstairs to rest. Is your head hurting again?"

She was referring to the wound on Wang Yue's forehead caused by Mei Yun.

Feeling guilty, Mei Yun softened his voice, "If you're not feeling well, you can go to your room and rest. I'll have Zhao Yan bring dinner to you later."

"No, I…" Wang Yue wanted to refuse, but the words got stuck in her throat. She could only bite her lip tightly, her back drenched in cold sweat from the anxiety.

Meeting Mei Yun's scrutinizing gaze, Wang Yue's heart skipped a beat. She quickly pretended to feel dizzy and leaned against her daughter, "I, my head suddenly feels dizzy. Honey, could you help me back to our room to rest? Mumu is too weak. I'm afraid she might fall while helping me."