Pre-match Play-off

The next day at school, Zhao Min took the initiative to find her and told her some news.

Originally, Zhao Min had applied to the school to transfer Mei Mu's spot in the competition to Mei Shu. The school leaders trusted Zhao Min's abilities and had already agreed to the request. However, unexpectedly, Zhou Li also expressed her desire to participate in the competition yesterday.

But each school only had one spot for the competition.

Zhao Min was in a dilemma and came to discuss this matter with Mei Shu.

"The school's suggestion is to have a competition between you two within the school. It will take place during the big break in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. The school will announce the competition publicly, and all students can come to watch."

She said, pausing for a moment with some concern. "You don't have a problem with this, right?"