Collective Deletion

This was not good.

These two were like being drugged!

Mei Shu massaged her temples in distress, repeatedly chanting to the system in her mind.

[Save me, save me! Is there any way to undo the effect of the skill I used just now?]

[Once the skill is activated, it cannot be undone. However, rest assured, the skill effect has already expired. If the host doesn't want to continue increasing their fondness, just refrain from doing actions that would increase their fondness.]

"Fine…" Mei Shu let out a sigh and gave a polite but firm rejection to the two, "Sorry, I have plans tonight, so I can't make it. Maybe next time."

After speaking, she left the auditorium alone, leaving the two with a decisive back view.

Li Zhen and Lu Yan were suddenly rejected by her, feeling even more downcast.