Change the Score

His words drew an imperfect conclusion to Mei Shu's competition.

Feng Wei looked at him with appreciation, quite satisfied with the host's astuteness.

After all, she was the chairwoman of the Piano Association in Lin City. Who dared to question her scoring?

However, she clearly hadn't anticipated that there was someone among the audience who dared to do so.

Zhao Min was the first to stand up and voice her objection, "I, on behalf of Lin City No. 1 Middle School, question the scores given in this round and request the competition organizers to publicly disclose all the scores for Mei Shu's performance."

"What?" Feng Wei turned incredulously in the direction of the voice. She saw Zhao Min with a resolute expression, their gazes meeting, tension hanging heavily in the air.

In a formal competition, this could be considered a significant incident.