Knowing the Truth

"How could you say that about me? I'm the victim in this whole incident!" Mei Mu couldn't bear it any longer and wailed in pain.

However, the more she cried, the more disdainful the expressions on others' faces became.

A kind nurse reminded her, "I suggest you take a look at the evidence Mei Shu released online before saying anything."

If they didn't know the truth, Mei Mu's pitiful appearance might have easily deceived them.

Mei Mu hesitated before reluctantly opening her phone. She saw those people looking at her with a mocking gaze, which made her expression even uglier. "You can all leave. I need to rest."

With that, she slammed the door shut with a bang, leaned against it, and gasped for breath as she opened her phone.

The internet was already flooded with not how wicked Mei Shu was as a person but rather with the news Mei Shu had posted using her anonymous account.