Refuse Face to Face

Mei Shu was exhausted and simply turned off the lights, lying in her place, facing away from Lu Si, closing her eyes to sleep.

But suddenly, there was an unfamiliar breath beside her, and even if she tried to ignore it, she couldn't deny that she was now wide awake.

Annoyed, she turned around, wanting to give the man sleeping next to her a stern look. However, when she turned her head, she found herself looking directly into his eyes that were so bright even in the darkness.

Mei Shu was startled, her heart beating faster. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Aren't you awake too?" Lu Si's expression was calm, and his black eyes stared at her without any restraint.

Mei Shu closed her eyes angrily. "I'm going to sleep now. Don't stare at me like that. Your gaze makes it hard to sleep."

"Close your eyes, and then you won't feel anything," Lu Si replied confidently.