Tit for Tat

Unless someone was blind or deaf, everyone present knew what had just happened inside.

They stared at Zhang Jiao's chest, and their eyes were almost popping out!

Only now did Zhang Jiao realize what had happened.

He followed the gazes of the crowd and looked down. When he saw the marks on his chest, his face turned extremely ugly, and his legs couldn't stop trembling. "You, you all leave! Mei Shu, you stay. I have something to ask you!"

His face turned grim, and his expression was somewhat terrifying.

Mei Shu timidly hid behind her father and said, "Mr. Zhang, if you have something to say, say it now. I don't want to stay alone in this place."

She was just a weak and delicate young girl. How could she be left alone in a room where men had just had sex?

Mei Yun naturally thought the same way. He stepped forward and blocked his daughter, warning, "What do you want to say to my daughter alone?"