The Favor of Saving My Life

Mei Shu and Mei Yun quickly got out of the car to check on the situation.

Lin Feng's face was covered in blood, and he was unconscious, lying face down on the steering wheel. A large portion of the front of the car had caved in, and it looked like even if Lin Feng survived, he would likely be left with disabilities.

Mei Shu had no sympathy for him whatsoever.

He had brought harm upon others and himself, so no matter how dire his situation was now, it was his own doing.

After confirming that he was still alive with just a glance, she lost interest and went directly to the car that had saved them.

"Ah Si," Mei Shu said, "Thank you."

The car door was slowly opened from the inside.

Mei Shu had assumed that Jiang He was the one driving and Lu Si was sitting in the back. However, to her surprise, Jiang He was not in the car tonight. Lu Si had personally driven to her rescue.