A Visit from An Old Acquaintance

Mei Shu couldn't help but frown.

Lu Si glanced in her direction and his smile disappeared instantly. "S, if you keep making noise, I'll declare you the loser and you won't need to compete with her."

Upon hearing this, the teacher and student, who had been arguing incessantly, finally noticed the two people standing at the door.

F, the hacker who had a stern look, instantly brightened up when he saw Mei Shu. His eyes were filled with longing for his beloved disciple. "Shu'er, you've finally come. Hurry up and help me teach this brat a lesson; otherwise, he'll become uncontrollable!"

Mei Shu walked into the room with an amused smile. She greeted F politely before curiously asking, "What were you all talking about just now?"