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Mei Shu shook her head helplessly and smiled.

Little did she know that Zhou Li overheard this unintentional remark.

During lunch break, Zhou Li unexpectedly approached Mei Shu with her lunchbox in hand and said, "Hey, lately, Brother Lu Yan has been inviting me to his house every evening to tutor me. Do you want to join us?"

Mei Shu glanced at her indifferently, lacking enthusiasm as she replied, "No need. I don't have anything left to catch up on."

Zhou Li was taken aback, clearly not expecting such a direct rejection. She showed a hint of confusion on her face and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Mei Shu said nonchalantly, "Zhou Li, don't treat everyone as your imaginary rival. I don't have the luxury to think about such unnecessary emotions when the college entrance exam is just around the corner."